
Domestic violence amid COVID-19: Helping your patients from afar


‘Are you alone?’

Another important piece of information is whether the patient has privacy – which can be tricky if the abuser is standing right there.

“You don’t want to tip the abuser off to your concerns, so you need to frame the question in a neutral way,” Dr. Watson advised.

For example, you might say that HIPAA laws require that you conduct the consultation with no one else present, and find out if there is a location in the house where the patient can have privacy.

It might be easier to talk on the phone than via video, suggests Florence Remes, a New Jersey–based licensed social worker who specializes in domestic violence. Going into another room and playing music or turning on the television might make it less obvious that a call is taking place, and the abuser would be less likely to overhear the caller’s conversation.

Dr. Watson suggested that questions about abuse might be included with other questions and asked in a simple yes/no format. “I’d like to ask you some standard questions I’m asking everyone during the pandemic. Do you have a cough or fever? Do you have any other physical symptoms? Do you have access to hand sanitizer? How is your sleep? Are you experiencing stress? Do you feel safe at home?”

The abuser, if present, will only hear the patient’s “yes” or “no” without knowing the question. If the patient indicates that she is being abused but is unable to talk, a later time can be arranged to further explore the issue.

Technology is a double-edged sword

Modern technologies have been a great boon to patients and physicians during this time of social distancing, allowing ongoing contact and health care when it would not otherwise have been possible. On the other hand, technology is fraught with potential dangers that can jeopardize the patient’s safety and compromise privacy.

Ms. Remes recounted the story of “Susan,” a client with whom she had been conducting teletherapy visits using an approved HIPAA-compliant telemedicine forum. Susan was working from home because of shelter-in-place restrictions. Her husband had been abusive, and Susan was concerned he might be “sabotaging” the household’s WiFi to isolate her from outside sources of support.

At the recommendation of Ms. Remes, Susan continued sessions either via phone calls or by using the WhatsApp program on her cellphone. Many of the requirements governing HIPAA privacy regulations have been temporarily relaxed, and clinicians can use non–encrypted forms of transmission, such as FaceTime, WhatsApp, or Skype, if no other platform is available.

But even cellphones have risks, Dr. Warshaw noted. The patient’s abuser might track texts or look at call logs – especially on unsecured platforms. It’s advisable to ask patients about who has access to their phone and computer and discuss ways to increase security.

Follow the patient’s lead

Proceed slowly and start with nonthreatening questions, Ms. Palardy advised. “I notice you have some injuries; can you tell me how you got them? Did someone hurt you? What does your relationship look like when you argue? Is there anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe?”

Emphasizing that you are asking these questions because of care and concern is reassuring and helps patients to feel they are not alone, Ms. Nyachogo pointed out.

“As your doctor, I’m worried about your health and (if relevant) your children’s safety. I can help connect you with counseling and support, legal resources, and a shelter, and everything is free and confidential. Would you be interested?” she said.

If the client acknowledges abuse, “follow their lead, but don’t push too hard,” Ms. Nyachogo warned.

“It is the client’s choice whether or not to take action,” she noted. “I’ve met survivors who said that it wasn’t until a doctor or nurse expressed concern about bruises that it even occurred to them that they were being abused. Some lied to the doctor about how they got hurt – but the question planted a seed, even though it might have taken years to follow up on the referral,” she said.

What if the patient doesn’t want to get help?

If a patient is not ready to seek help, you can create a home-safety plan. This might include setting follow-up times. If you don’t hear from him or her, you should then call the police. Or you might create a “code word,” such as “apple pie.” If the patient uses that word during a session, you know her life is in danger, Ms. Remes suggested.

Providing written information about how to get help is important but can be problematic if the abuser finds it.

Ms. Nyachogo recommends e-mailing follow-up materials that cover a variety of topics, such as keeping safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, relaxation, healthy eating, getting exercise while homebound, activities for children, and suggestions for hotlines and other resources if one is feeling suicidal or unsafe.

“If you present these as your ‘standard’ follow-up materials, the abuser is less likely to become suspicious,” Ms. Nyachogo noted.

Resources are available during COVID-19

All of the experts emphasize that resources for victims of domestic violence remain available during the COVID-19 pandemic, although some shelters may be operating at reduced capacity. Some agencies are finding alternatives to group shelters, such as hotels or Airbnb, which carry less risk of catching COVID-19.

Referring a patient to domestic violence resources is a delicate process. “You don’t want referring the patient for help to further endanger their life,” Ms. Nyachogo said.

The more you can take the burden off the patient, the better. If she is interested in getting help, you can call a domestic violence counselor or advocate while she is on the phone.

“This type of ‘warm handoff’ is what Tonya’s physician did,” Ms. Palardy recounted.

A warm handoff requires that physicians be familiar with domestic violence resources, Dr. Warshaw emphasized.

“Don’t wait until you are working with someone who needs help to find out where to refer them. Take the time to proactively research local agencies specializing in domestic violence and have their phone numbers on hand, so you can offer resources immediately if the person is interested,” she advised. The National Domestic Violence Hotline can also assist with safety planning and access to local resources.

‘Thinking on your feet’ critical for physicians

Addressing domestic violence during this unprecedented time requires “thinking on your feet” about novel forms of detection and intervention, Dr. Watson said. This involves a combination of clinical acumen, creativity, and finely honed intuition.

Ms. Nyachogo added, “Keeping an eye on domestic violence can feel like an extra burden, but don’t forget that it is lifesaving work.”


National Domestic Violence Hotline

  • 800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • The patient can also text LOVEIS to 22522.

National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health

  • Provides resources for health care, mental health, and substance use treatment and recovery support providers on responding to domestic violence and other trauma.
  • Provides resources for professionals and patients regarding access to substance use and mental health care during the COVID-1 pandemic.
  • Provides support for parents, caregivers, and children during the pandemic.
  • Provides resources for advocates serving families affected by domestic violence.

U.S. Department of Justice

  • A state-by-state guide to local resources

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute

STOP Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

New Jersey Coalition for Domestic Violence

American Bar Association COVID-19 resources for communities

Crisis Text Line

  • Text HOME to 741741.

National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) COVID-19 Technology Safety

A version of this article originally appeared on Medscape.com.


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