
Skin Cancer Tops Malpractice Claims in Florida



ORLANDO – A higher than expected number of malpractice claims related to dermatologic surgery and treatment of psoriasis – as well as relatively few related to cosmetic dermatology were among the surprises revealed in a review of closed malpractice claims in Florida.

"There is a significant risk of malpractice actions in dermatology and dermatologic surgery," Dr. Ferdinand F. Becker said at the meeting. "Dermatologic surgeons would be well advised to be vigilant in diagnosis and appropriate treatment with the goal of avoiding complications at all cost."

General Dermatology Claims

Of 180 claims against dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons over a decade, 43 claims or 24% involved a general dermatology treatment. Of these, "44% were adjudicated or settled in favor of the plaintiff and 56% in favor of the defendant, so we came out better there," Dr. Becker said.

A total of 18 cases were adjudicated or settled in favor of the plaintiff – including 2 settled for an unknown amount. The largest settlement, $1 million, went to a patient who complained of meningoencephalitis and cerebral palsy secondary to failure to diagnose herpes simplex virus (conjunctival herpes simplex virus was the initial diagnosis). "This was the biggest claim in the whole shooting match," Dr. Becker said.

Another 25 of the general dermatology cases were decided or settled for the defendant physician, including 22 suits dropped by the plaintiff. Of the three remaining cases, two were summary judgments for the defendant and one judgment awarded the physician $50,000. In this case, the plaintiff had claimed avascular necrosis from treatment of chronic dermatitis with long-term steroid therapy.

Of note, a failure to diagnose Lyme disease when a patient presented with a rash of the axilla and groin resulted in a judgment for the plaintiff for $20,000, Dr. Becker said.

Psoriasis Claims

Dr. Becker identified seven claims involving psoriasis when he culled through the closed claims data from Florida’s Office of Insurance Regulation from January 2000 to December 2009. "I made a separate category for psoriasis because ... treatment of psoriasis is particularly problematic in general dermatology."

Four psoriasis treatment claims were settled in favor of the plaintiff from $500 to $250,000. The largest settlement involved a complaint of Stevens-Johnson syndrome with skin sloughing, oozing, and weeping sores resulting from methotrexate treatment. The defendant physician prevailed in three other cases – two dropped lawsuits and one summary judgment in which the patient had claimed steroids used to treat psoriasis had caused osteoporosis.

Cosmetic Dermatology Claims

A total of 28 claims or 16% involved cosmetic dermatology procedures. Outcomes were approximately split, with 54% adjudicated or settled in favor of the plaintiff and 46% in favor of the defendant.

"The majority were cases of laser hair removal," said Dr. Becker, a facial plastic surgeon and otolaryngologist in private practice in Vero Beach, Fla. Twelve of the 17 claims for laser hair removal were settled for the plaintiff for $2,500-$90,000. The biggest settlement followed a complaint of depigmentation and scarring related to laser hair removal. The remaining five laser cases involved complaints of burning, scarring, and/or pigmentary changes and were subsequently dropped by the plaintiff.

Dr, Becker found five suits involving Botox and filler treatments, each dropped by the plaintiff in favor of the defendant. Three plaintiffs claimed adverse reactions, one was unhappy with results, and one "patient left unattended after treatment, fell to the floor and broke three teeth, injured jaw, and cut lip."

Based on this lower number of malpractice claims, Botox and filler treatment "appears to be quite safe," Dr. Becker said.

The cosmetic dermatology category also included three claims involving liposuction, two settled in favor of the plaintiff and the other – a patient unhappy with abdominal liposuction results – dropped.

There was also a case involving sclerotherapy settled for $13,195 in favor of the plaintiff. The patient in this case claimed chronic ulceration resulting from treatment of spider veins.

A claim of pain, suffering, and a need for reconstructive surgery associated with a blepharoplasty resulted in a settlement of $100,000 for the plaintiff. Another suit, filed after a chemical facial peel, alleged facial burns and scarring ensued when the physician’s aesthetician acted outside the scope of her job.

Skin Cancer Claims

The highest percentage of claims in Florida (57%) involved skin cancer diagnosis and treatment. Of these, 57% were settled or adjudicated in favor of the plaintiff, 35% in favor of the defendant, and 8% were settled out of court for an unknown amount.

The greatest amount paid for non-melanoma skin cancer, $500,000, involved a patient treated with a biopsy and excision of a basal cell carcinoma on the upper lip. The patient filed suit, claiming they had to be referred for Mohs surgery and then experienced extensive scarring.


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