Although this approach has not yet been studied in humans, it has significant potential advantages including low toxicity and robust pleurodesis. Also, it is not affected by steroids. "I think maybe in the next 5 or 10 years this will be an interesting area of research," he said.
Direct biological manipulation with anti-angiogenic agents such as zolendronic acid also is an important area of research, as is gene therapy and immune therapy for cancer control.
Currently, about 300,000 cases occur in the United Kingdom and the United States each year, and an estimated 100,000 additional cases each year are expected by 2055. The average hospital will see about 250 new cases per year, he said.
Dr. Rahman has received drugs and matched placebos for clinical trials, technical equipment for trials, and/or funding for trials or research from Roche, Genentech, Boehringer, Lunamed, Syder-Med, Rocket Medical UK, GE Medical, NIHR, HTA Trials, MRC, UKCRN, CRUK, BLF, and UNKRCI. He has also served as a consultant to Rocket Medical.