Business of Medicine
Doc releases song after racist massacre in Buffalo
Cardiologist-musician Cleveland Francis wrote and recorded a song to honor the victims as “a plea to the other side to recognize us as people.”
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Physicians react: Compensation isn’t worth the hassles. What’s the solution?
A family physician lamented that he has “made less in the past 3 years, with more hassles and work” and he “can’t wait to retire next year.”
How much health insurers pay for almost everything is about to go public
Health insurers and self-insured employers must post on websites just about every price they’ve negotiated with providers for health care services...
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Lawmakers argue for changes in prior authorization processes
Reports from a federal watchdog agency find patterns of denials of prior authorization requests of covered services by insurer-run Medicare...
Murder of physician raises the stress level for all clinicians
Most of us would find it unbearable to live and work under the kind of stress faced by medical professionals today.
From the Journals
Race drives disparities in life expectancy across states
Overall differences between life expectancies have decreased at the state level.
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$3 billion in cancer drug waste: Can it be salvaged?
Although most oncology drugs don’t incur substantial waste, even small volumes can translate to millions of dollars a year.
‘My malpractice insurance doubled!’ Why, when fewer patients are suing?
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Insurer told to pay $5.2 million to woman who caught STD in a car
GEICO filed for the award to be overturned, alleging it had been denied due process and that the arbitration deal was unenforceable.
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Substance use the main cause of physician license actions
“What appears to account for the difference is physician distress, and in the case of drug abuse, plentiful access.”
Surgeons, who see it up close, offer ways to stop gun violence
A committee of the American College of Surgeons developed specific recommendations in 2018, which are still valid today.