Genitourinary Cancer
VEGF-Targeting Cancer Drugs Raise Risk of Fatal Side Effects
FDA Tracks Fake Avastin to Foreign Supply Distributed in U.S.
Vitamin E Supplements Linked to Increase in Prostate Cancer Risk
Major Finding: Men given vitamin E supplements had a 17% relative increase in the risk of prostate cancer compared with men given placebo; however...
Costs Don't Always Match Outcomes of Prostate Cancer Treatments
Major Finding: In one study, the mean total cost per patient per year considering both the initial treatment and the treatment of any toxicity was...
Everolimus Shrinks Angiomyolipomas from Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Major Finding: Everolimus was superior to placebo in terms of achieving an angiomyolipoma response (41.8% vs. 0%; P less than .0001) and the time...
Mild CKD Ups Risks of Renal, Urothelial Cancers
Major Finding: The risks of renal cell cancer and urothelial cancer increased in a graded manner with decreasing kidney function.
FDA Panel Rejects Denosumab Against Bone Metastasis in Prostate Cancer
FDA Questions Earlier Denosumab Use in Prostate Cancer
Kidney Cancer Patients May Need Higher Axitinib Dose
Major Finding: Patients who received 5 mg axitinib twice daily or less had progression-free survival and rates of adverse events similar to those...
ALSYMPCA Trial: Radium-223 Prolongs Life in Some Prostate Cancers
Major Finding: Radium-223 significantly prolonged overall survival (14.0 vs. 11.2 months) and time to first skeletal-related events (13.6 vs. 8.4...
MDV3100 Cuts Risk of Death in Advanced Prostate Cancer
Major Finding: Overall survival was significantly longer in the MDV3100 group than in the placebo group (18.4 vs. 13.6 months; HR, 0.63), and...