Gynecologic Cancer
Don't Screen Healthy Women for Ovarian Cancer
Pregnancy-Related Cancers: Rise Is Largely Unrelated to Delayed Childbearing
Radiation Oncologists Say Medicare Cuts Could Shutter Practices
HPV DNA Test Predicts Cervical Cancer Risk for 18 Years
Major Finding: A positive result on HPV DNA testing predicted cervical cancer risk for the next 18 years, while a positive Pap smear did so for...
Conference Coverage
Superiority of Dose-Dense Chemo Upheld for Ovarian Cancer
Major Finding: With a median follow-up of 6.4 years, median overall survival was not reached with dose-dense paclitaxel-plus-carboplatin...
Washington Post Blasts Proliferation of ESAs for Anemia
Erlotinib Fails as Maintenance Therapy for Ovarian Cancer
Major Finding: Compared with observation, erlotinib did not significantly improve either progression-free survival (12.7 vs. 12.4 months) or...
Conference Coverage
Olaparib Defers Progression of Serous Ovarian Cancer - Again
Major Finding: Addition of olaparib concurrently to paclitaxel-carboplatin chemotherapy and as maintenance therapy reduced the risk of progression...