Program Profile

Creating an Intensive Care Unit From a Postanesthesia Care Unit for the COVID-19 Surge at the Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor Healthcare System

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Hospital Preparation

Maintaining a 2-zone model in which patients with COVID-19 and without COVID-19 could be cared for separately was of major importance. The VAAAHS traditional ICU was converted into a 16-bed COVID-19 ICU and staffed by the Pulmonary Critical Care Service. A separate wing of the hospital was converted into a 19-bed non-COVID-19 ICU, which also was staffed by the Pulmonary Critical Care Service that increased its staffing of residents, fellows, and attending physicians to meet the increasing clinical demands. Elective major surgery cases were postponed, and surgeons managed the care of postoperative surgical ICU patients. This arrangement allowed the existing 4 anesthesiologist intensivists to staff the PACU COVID-19 ICU.

Considerations, including space requirements, staffing, equipment, infection control requirements, and ability for facilities to engineer a negative pressure space were factored into the decision to convert the PACU to an additional 12-bed ICU. This effectively tripled the VAAAHS ICU capacity, enabling patient transfers from the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan, which was being impacted by a surge of cases in Detroit. In addition, this allowed for the opening of the hospital for both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 ICU transfers from hospitals in Southeast Michigan in order to fulfill the fourth VA mission to provide care and support to state and local communities for emergency management, public health, and safety.

PACU Preparation

PACU was selected as an overflow ICU due to its open floor plan, allowing patients on ventilators to be seen from a central nursing station. This would allow for the safe use of ventilators without central alarm capabilities (especially anesthesia machines). Given the risk of a circuit disconnect, all ventilators without central alarm capabilities needed to be seen and heard within the space to ensure patient safety.

Facilities Management was able to construct temporary barriers with vinyl covered sheetrock and plexiglass to partition the central nursing workstation from the patient area in a U-shape (Figure 1). The patient area was turned into a negative pressure space where strict airborne precautions could be observed. Although the air handling unit serving this space is equipped with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, it was mechanically manipulated to ensure that all air coming from the space was discharged through exhaust and not recirculated into another occupied space within the hospital. Total air exchange rates were measured and calculated for both the positive and negative spaces to ensure they met or exceeded at least 6 air changes per hour, as recommended by Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidance.6,7 A differential pressure indicator was installed to provide staff with the ability to monitor the pressure relationship between the 2 spaces in real time.

Twelve patient care beds were created. A traditionally engineered airborne infection isolation room in PACU served as a procedure room for aerosol-generating procedures, especially intubation, extubation, use of high-flow nasal cannula, and tracheostomy placement. Strict airborne precautions were taken within the patient area. The area inside the nursing station was positively pressurized to allow for surgical masks only to be required for the comfort of health care workers (Figure 2). A clear donning and doffing workflow was created for movement between the nursing area and the patient care area.


Recommended Reading

Aerosolization of COVID-19 and Contamination Risks During Respiratory Treatments
Remdesivir in Hospitalized Adults With Severe COVID-19: Lessons Learned From the First Randomized Trial
Atypical Features of COVID-19: A Literature Review
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