
Being a pediatric hospitalist during the COVID-19 pandemic


“Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm.” – Charles Caleb Colton

I walk inside the pediatric unit of our hospital, only to be welcomed by an eerie silence. There are a handful of nurses at the nursing station, faces covered with masks sitting 6 feet apart and quietly working on their computers. The resident work lounge also depicts a similar picture of emptiness. Just over a month ago, these halls were bustling with children, parents, consultants, and a host of ancillary staff. I recall times in which I was running around from one patient room to another talking to families and attending to patient needs. For the past 2 months I have often spent hours alone in my office waiting to see a patient. This is the new norm for many of us.

Across the board in hospitals, pediatric census has dropped since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reasons for these are nonspecific but may include fear among parents of “exposure” to the virus by bringing their sick children to the hospital to get evaluated for other concerns. A few patients that we have seen in our hospital are sicker when they have arrived because their parents avoided seeking medical care earlier, plagued by the same fear. Social distancing and school closure have also limited the amount of infectious diseases going around, which are responsible for a bulk of pediatric admissions.

Dr. Saba Fatima, pediatric hospitalist at Wesley Children's Hospital and assistant professor of pediatrics at Kansas University School of Medicine, Wichita

Dr. Saba Fatima

While many of us are still coming in to see the limited number of patients we have, we are not in the true sense frontline providers during this pandemic. There have been limited cases of COVID-19 in children, most of which – fortunately – present with mild symptoms. Although multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a new disease that COVID-19 has brought us closer to, many of us have yet to see our first case because of its rarity.

I have read through the news daily in the past few months to find many adult provider physicians succumbing to COVID-19 and felt a pang of guilt. My social media is full of heartbreaking stories as adult hospitalists are having difficult conversations with families and supporting them through this unknown territory, often sacrificing their own safety. I feel so proud of them and my profession. My heart tells me, though, I personally may not be living up to the true calling I was expected to have as a physician.

As pediatric hospitalists, while we sit and wait for this pandemic to pass, we have been ruminating on and anxious about our future. As census drops, there is a financial strain that many of us are feeling. Job cuts and furloughing of health care workers in our surroundings leave us with a sense of insecurity and low morale. Many small inpatient pediatric units have had to be shut down temporarily either so they could be used for adult patients or because of lack of pediatric patients. Limiting staffing to avoid exposure and cohorting providers has also been a challenge.

A big question that has risen in these times is how to ensure productivity and stay useful while at the same time being prepared for the unknown that lies ahead. The economics of medicine is staring hard at our years of hard work, questioning the need for our specialty in the first place.

In smaller community settings, the closure of pediatric units has put an additional strain on the overall framework of the community, parents, and referring primary care providers. With the absence of local resources, children who have needed care have had to be transferred to bigger referral centers that are still taking care of pediatric patients. On one end of the spectrum there is concern for pediatric inpatient units not being productive enough for the hospital, but that coexists with a worry that, as we pass through this pandemic, we could see more hospitalizations for vaccine-preventable illnesses, child abuse/medical neglect, and respiratory syncytial virus plus COVID.

The question remains about how best to cope and use this time of uncertainty to be productive and prepare for the worst. A few solutions and suggestions are highlighted below.

  • Helping adult providers: Many pediatric hospitalist colleagues in highly affected states have filled the increasing need for clinicians and taken care of adult patients. As pediatric units have closed, providers have continued to offer care where it is needed. Pediatric hospitalists have used this time to take urgent refresher courses in advanced cardiac life support and adult critical care. In states that are not as severely hit, many pediatric hospitalists have utilized this time to plan and prepare protocols for the future as information continues coming in regarding MIS-C and COVID-19 in pediatric patients.
  • Use of telemedicine: With the ease in restrictions for use of telemedicine in many states, pediatric hospitalists can consider using it to restructure their staffing model whenever feasible. This can help in cohorting and allowing high risk and quarantined providers to work from home. This model simultaneously provides opportunities for pediatric hospitalists to continue providing their services, while at the same time decreasing financial burden on their institution.
  • Reaching out to the community: Engaging with the community during these times can help ensure services and options remain available to our referral providers and patients for pediatric services. Information about COVID-19 can be widely disseminated. We can also play our part by continuing to encourage parents in our maximum capacity to obtain care for their children when needed and to not avoid the hospital because of fears of exposure.
  • Supporting each other: There is no doubt that these times are unsettling for the pediatric hospitalist community, and the uncertainty that surrounds us can feel crippling. Strong team building is imperative in these times. While we may not be frequently meeting in work lounges and sharing meals, a good sense of support and camaraderie will go a long way in building morale for the future. Seeking mental health resources if needed is essential for us and should not be looked at with shame or guilt. This is something that many of us have never seen before, and it is okay to ask for help. Seeking help is and always will be a sign of strength.

Today, as I envision myself walking in the hospital on the other side of this pandemic I see a cheerful pediatric unit, smiling faces without masks, my 3-year-old patient cruising around the hallways in a toy car, our therapy dog walking around bringing joy to many, and many healthy patients feeling better and ready to go home. A time when we are not scared to hug each other, shake hands, or share emotion. When our teams are stronger and more well bonded. A time when parents are not scared to bring their sick children to the hospital. Will it be many months before this happens? I don’t know. But I do know that the children I take care of are known for their resilience. I will live up to them today by practicing the same.

Dr. Fatima is a pediatric hospitalist at Wesley Children’s Hospital and assistant professor of pediatrics at Kansas University School of Medicine, both in Wichita. Her research interests include medical errors, medical education, and high-value care.

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