Original Research

Using Artificial Intelligence for COVID-19 Chest X-ray Diagnosis

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Background: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), caused by a novel member of the coronavirus family, is a respiratory disease that rapidly reached pandemic proportions with high morbidity and mortality. In only a few months, it has had a dramatic impact on society and world economies. COVID-19 has presented numerous challenges to all aspects of health care, including reliable methods for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Initial efforts to contain the spread of the virus were hampered by the time required to develop reliable diagnostic methods. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field of computer science with many applications for health care. Machine learning is a subset of AI that uses deep learning with neural network algorithms. It can recognize patterns and achieve complex computational tasks often far quicker and with increased precision than can humans.

Methods: In this article, we explore the potential for the simple and widely available chest X-ray (CXR) to be used with AI to diagnose COVID-19 reliably. Microsoft CustomVision is an automated image classification and object detection system that is a part of Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services. We utilized publicly available CXR images for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, pneumonia from other etiologies, and normal CXRs as a dataset to train Microsoft CustomVision.

Results: Our trained model overall demonstrated 92.9% sensitivity (recall) and positive predictive value (precision), with results for each label showing sensitivity and positive predictive value at 94.8% and 98.9% for COVID-19 pneumonia, 89% and 91.8% for non-COVID-19 pneumonia, 95% and 88.8% for normal lung. We then validated the program using CXRs of patients from our institution with confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses along with non-COVID-19 pneumonia and normal CXRs. Our model performed with 100% sensitivity, 95% specificity, 97% accuracy, 91% positive predictive value, and 100% negative predictive value.

Conclusions: We have used a readily available, commercial platform to demonstrate the potential of AI to assist in the successful diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia on CXR images. The findings have implications for screening and triage, initial diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, and identifying patients at increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Based on the data, a website was created to demonstrate how such technologies could be shared and distributed to others to combat entities such as COVID-19 moving forward.



The novel coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV- 2), which causes the respiratory disease coronavirus disease-19 (COVID- 19), was first identified as a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China on December 31, 2019.1 Within a month, the disease had spread significantly, leading the World Health Organization (WHO) to designate COVID-19 a public health emergency of international concern. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. 2 As of August 18, 2020, the virus has infected > 21 million people, with > 750,000 deaths worldwide.3 The spread of COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on social, economic, and health care issues throughout the world, which has been discussed elsewhere. 4

Prior to the this century, members of the coronavirus family had minimal impact on human health.5 However, in the past 20 years, outbreaks have highlighted an emerging importance of coronaviruses in morbidity and mortality on a global scale. Although less prevalent than COVID-19, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002 to 2003 and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012 likely had higher mortality rates than the current pandemic. 5 Based on this recent history, it is reasonable to assume that we will continue to see novel diseases with similar significant health and societal implications. The challenges presented to health care providers (HCPs) by such novel viral pathogens are numerous, including methods for rapid diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. In the current study, we focus on diagnosis issues, which were evident with COVID-19 with the time required to develop rapid and effective diagnostic modalities.

We have previously reported the utility of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the histopathologic diagnosis of cancer. 6-8 AI was first described in 1956 and involves the field of computer science in which machines are trained to learn from experience. 9 Machine learning (ML) is a subset of AI and is achieved by using mathematic models to compute sample datasets. 10 Current ML employs deep learning with neural network algorithms, which can recognize patterns and achieve complex computational tasks often far quicker and with increased precision than can humans. 11-13 In addition to applications in pathology, ML algorithms have both prognostic and diagnostic applications in multiple medical specialties, such as radiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, and cardiology.6 It is predicted that AI will impact almost every aspect of health care in the future. 14

In this article, we examine the potential for AI to diagnose patients with COVID-19 pneumonia using chest radiographs (CXR) alone. This is done using Microsoft CustomVision (www.customvision.ai), a readily available, automated ML platform. Employing AI to both screen and diagnose emerging health emergencies such as COVID-19 has the potential to dramatically change how we approach medical care in the future. In addition, we describe the creation of a publicly available website (interknowlogy-covid-19 .azurewebsites.net) that could augment COVID-19 pneumonia CXR diagnosis.


For the training dataset, 103 CXR images of COVID-19 were downloaded from GitHub covid-chest-xray dataset .15 Five hundred images of non-COVID-19 pneumonia and 500 images of the normal lung were downloaded from the Kaggle RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge dataset. 16 To balance the dataset, we expanded the COVID-19 dataset to 500 images by slight rotation (probability = 1, max rotation = 5) and zooming (probability = 0.5, percentage area = 0.9) of the original images using the Augmentor Python package. 17


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