
Physician offices should have bigger role in vaccine rollout: MGMA


Overcoming vaccine hesitancy

More than a quarter of the U.S. population has indicated they are hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This is an area where Dr. Fischer-Wright believes physicians can help immensely.

“The benefit of having that type of activity occur in the physician office is that it’s a place where physicians have already established trust with patients,” she said. “And one of the reasons why some people don’t want a shot is that they don’t trust the vaccine. Having a human being that you have a relationship with provide you with the pros and cons is very compelling to get people to make an alternative choice.”

Physicians and their staff will also need to be educated before they administer the vaccine, Dr. Hewlett noted. “There will have to be education on the handling of the vaccine, but I think that can easily be done. Many practices have physician assistants and nurse practitioners who have been doing a lot of vaccinations in the office setting.”

Complex logistics

Based on the experience of his department’s vaccination clinic, which has been giving COVID-19 shots since Jan. 5, Dr. Hewlett said private practices have a lot to consider before they launch their own vaccination efforts.

To begin with, he said, “it’s a tricky situation with these vaccines that require two doses.” Before his clinic makes an appointment to vaccinate a patient, the scheduler has to make sure that the patient can return in 21 or 28 days, depending on whether they’re getting the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

“It’s difficult if they can’t show up 28 days after that date because we expect the same number of people to show up 28 days later for their second dose,” he said. “This is quite different from a standard medical practice. There aren’t too many situations where a person has to come back to the office after 28 days or 21 days.”

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently said the immunization schedule can be more flexible, Dr. Hewlett added, his clinic prefers to get patients back on the recommended schedule to make sure the vaccine will be maximally effective.

The clinic also has to follow state regulations requiring that all vaccines it receives be administered within a week of receipt. Right now, the clinic is open 6 days a week, giving about 300-400 shots a day. Each morning, a clerk records how many doses were administered the previous day, along with the lot numbers – and all data must be reported to the state.

The operation is fairly labor intensive. The clinic has a staff of about 30 people, most of whom are now engaged full time in the COVID-19 vaccination effort.

“We have people who check patients in and who screen to make sure no one has COVID symptoms. Other people escort patients to the vaccination stations. We have about 15 nurse practitioners and public health nurses who give the shots, and we have to make sure they’re accounting for every dose that’s given. And we have to make sure everybody getting a dose meets the eligibility criteria for shots,” he said. “We also have an area where patients are watched for 15 minutes after they’re vaccinated. Then there’s a group of five data entry people who locate appointment slots 28 days from today.”

It’s all still “a work in progress,” Dr. Hewlett said, but the staff who give COVID-19 shots and the patients who receive them are gratified to be making a difference.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.


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