
New data on worldwide mental health impact of COVID-19


Youth hardest hit

The decline in mental well-being was “most pronounced” in persons of the youngest age category (18-24 years), whose average MHQ score was 29% lower than those aged at least 65 years.

Worldwide, 70% of respondents aged at least 65 years fell into the categories of “succeeding” or “thriving,” compared with just 17% of those aged 18-24 years.

“We saw a massive trend of diminishing mental well-being in younger individuals, suggesting that some societal force is at play that we need to get to the bottom of,” said Dr. Thiagarajan.

“Young people are still learning how to calibrate themselves in the world, and with age comes maturity, leading to a difference in emotional resilience,” she said.

Highest risk group

Mental well-being was poorest among nonbinary/third-gender respondents. Among those persons, more than 50% were classified as being at clinical risk, in comparison with males and females combined, and their MHQ scores were about 47 points lower.

Nonbinary individuals “are universally doing very poorly, relative to males or females,” said Dr. Thiagarajan. “This is a demographic at very high risk with a lot of suicidal thoughts.”

Respondents who had insufficient sleep, who lacked social interaction, and whose level of exercise was insufficient had lower MHQ scores of an “unexpected magnitude,” compared with their counterparts who had sufficient sleep, more social interaction, and more exercise (a discrepancy of 82, 66, and 46 points, respectively).

Only 3.9% of respondents reported having had COVID-19; 0.7% reported having had a severe case. Yet 57% of respondents reported that the pandemic had had negative consequences with regard to their health or their finances or social situation.

Those who were unable to get care for their other health conditions because of the pandemic (2% of all respondents) reported the worst mental well-being, followed by those who struggled for basic necessities (1.4%).

Reduced household income was associated with a 4% lower score but affected a higher percentage of people (17%). Social isolation was associated with a score of about 20 less. Higher rates of lifetime traumas and adversities were likewise associated with lower scores for mental well-being.

Creative, generous approach

Commenting on the survey results, Ken Duckworth, MD, clinical professor at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and chief medical officer of the National Alliance of Mental Illness, noted that the findings were similar to findings from studies in the United States, which showed disproportionately higher rates of mental health problems in younger individuals. Dr. Duckworth was not involved with the survey.

Dr. Ken Duckworth

Dr. Ken Duckworth

“The idea that this is an international phenomenon and the broad-stroke finding that younger people are suffering across nations is compelling and important for policymakers to look at,” he said.

Dr. Duckworth noted that although the findings are not “representative” of entire populations in a given country, the report is a “first step in a long journey.”

He described the report as “extremely brilliant, creative, and generous, allowing any academician to get access to the data.”

He saw it “less as a definitive report and more as a directionally informative survey that will yield great fruit over time.”

In a comment, Joshua Morganstein, MD, chair of the American Psychiatric Association’s Committee on the Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster, said: “One of the important things a document like this highlights is the importance of understanding more where risk [for mental health disorders] is concentrated and what things have occurred or might occur that can buffer against that risk or protect us from it. We see that each nation has similar but also different challenges.”

Dr. Thiagarajan is the founder and chief scientist of Sapien Labs. Her coauthors are employees of Sapien Labs. Dr. Duckworth and Dr. Morganstein disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.


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