Heidi Maloni: As the nurse in this group, I agree with everything that Becca and Jodie have said about telehealth. But, I have found some benefits, and one of them is a greater intimacy with my patients. What do I mean by that? For instance, if a patient has taken me to their kitchen and opened their cupboard to show me the breakfast cereal, I’m also observing that there’s nothing else in that cupboard other than cereal. I’m also putting some things together about health and wellness. Or, for the first time, I might meet their significant other who can’t come to clinic because they’re working, but they are at home with the patient. And then having that 3-way conversation with the patient and the significant other, that’s kind of opened up my sense of who that person is.
You are right about the neurological examination. It’s challenging to make exacting assessments. When gathering household objects, ice bags and pronged forks to assess sensation, you remember that this exam is subjective and there is meaning in this remote evaluation. But all in all, I have been blessed with telehealth. Patients don’t mind it at all. They’re completely open to the idea. They like the telehealth for the contact they are able to have with their HCP.
Jodie Haselkorn : As you were saying that, Heidi, I thought, I’ve been inside my veterans’ bathrooms virtually and have seen all of their equipment that they have at home. In a face-to-face clinic visit, you don’t have an opportunity to see all their canes and walkers, braces, and other assistive technology. Some of it’s stashed in a closet, some of it under the bed. In a virtual visit, I get to understand why some is not used, what veterans prefer, and see their own innovations for mobility and self-care.
Mitchell Wallin : There’s a typical ritual that patients talk about when they go to a clinic. They check in, sit down, and wait for the nurse to give them their vital signs and set them up in the room. And then they meet with their HCP, and finally they complete the tasks on the checklist. And part of that may mean scheduling an MRI or going to the lab. But some of these handoffs don’t happen as well on telehealth. Maybe we haven’t integrated these segments of a clinical visit into telehealth platforms. But it could be developed, and there could be new neurologic tools to improve the interview and physical examination. Twenty years ago, you couldn’t deposit a check on your phone; but now you can do everything on your phone you could do in a physical bank. With some creativity, we can improve parts of the neurological exam that are currently difficult to assess remotely.
Jodie Haselkorn : I have not used peripherals in video telehealth to home and I would need to become accustomed to their use with current technology and train patients and caregivers. I would like telehealth peripherals such as a stethoscope to listen to the abdomen of a veteran with neurogenic bowel or a user-friendly ultrasound probe to measure postvoid residual urine in an individual with symptoms of neurogenic bladder, in addition to devices that measure walking speed and pulmonary function. I look forward to the development, use, and the incorporation peripherals that will enable a more extensive virtual exam within the home.