50th Anniversary

First issue vs. April 2021 issue: Much has changed since 1971


For the first readers of Family Practice News, it started with this: “How safe is the pill? An extensive epidemiologic study being carried out in the United Kingdom by the Royal College of General Practitioners is expected to provide definitive answers to this question within the next few years.”

MDedge News

Covers from the first and April 2021 issues of Family Practice News

That was the first paragraph of the lead article on the front page of our very first issue, published in October 1971. The report on oral contraceptives, coming from the annual meeting of the British Medical Association in Leicester, largely focused on recruiting – noting that “all women in the study are married” – and data-gathering methods.

That first issue also covered such topics as the effect of “early and frequent coitus” on cervical dysplasia incidence (p. 4), breast cancer in men (p. 13), and treatment of prostate inflammation in patients with impotence (p. 34).

Our April 2021 issue included five articles related to the COVID-19 pandemic, starting on the front page and featuring a photo – a physician sitting at a computer, wearing a mask – and a topic – vaccine-hesitant patients.

Business of medicine today vs. in 1971

At the time of publication of our first issue the United States was in the midst of a 90-day freeze on wages and prices ordered by President Richard Nixon. Two articles in that first issue discussed the subject: “Freeze clouds future of health insurance plans” and “Freeze lets physicians ‘stabilize’ office fees.”

Besides COVID-19, here are some other topics covered in April 2021 but not in 1971: lessons learned from an electronic health records conversion, competition for physicians in the form of a “virtual primary care service” offered by United Healthcare, and the sleep effects of smartphone “addiction.”

Technology, clearly, plays a much larger role in physicians’ lives these days.

Similarities between issues

Not everything has changed, of course. We were informing physicians about heart disease in 1971 with “Primary MD can treat most vascular cases” and “Job satisfaction can help prevent heart disease.”

A look at the latest issue uncovered “Link clinched between high-glycemic index diets and cardiovascular disease events” and “Ultraprocessed ‘healthy’ foods raise cardiovascular disease events risk.” Diabetes is another topic that we have began covering since day one and continue to consider to be relevant to practicing family medicine. “Family attitude key to diabetic’s state” was published in our first issue and “Type 1 diabetes prevention moves toward reality as studies published” ran in our April 2021 issue.

The photos in that first issue, however, present a somewhat jarring counterpoint to our latest issue. The faces that look back from 50 years ago are men’s faces: 29 men, to be exact. There were no photos of women physicians in that issue.

That was not the case in April of 2021. Of the 26 physicians or research scientists who appeared in photos in that issue, 8 were women. Plus, three of those women appeared on the cover.

Among the photos from 1971 were 6 of the 14 founding members of our editorial advisory board, who were, again, all men. Our current board consists of 13 men and 8 women.

Times have changed.

Recommended Reading

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