
Changing minds: What moves the needle for the unvaccinated?


Stories over statistics

Talking about the trends of vaccinations can definitely change minds about getting vaccinated, said Robert Cialdini, PhD, regents professor emeritus of psychology and marketing at Arizona State University, Tempe, and author of the recently updated book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” which has sold over 5 million copies since it was first published in 1984.

Face-to-face with a hesitant patient, a doctor can say: “More and more people are being vaccinated every day,” Dr. Cialdini says. “The reason you say more and more is [that] it conveys a trend. When people see a trend, they project it into the future that it is going to get even larger.”

A focus on choice can also help people change their minds and accept the vaccine, he says. “A lot of conspiracy theorists claim they don’t want to do it because they are being pushed or forced by the government, and they are resisting that.”

If that’s the case, presenting people with new information, such as the increased infectiousness of the Delta variant, and suggesting that a decision be made based on the new information, can work, Dr. Cialdini says, but be sure to end with: “It’s completely up to you.”

“This removes all their sense of being pushed. It says, ‘Here is all the evidence.’ ” At this point, a doctor’s personal recommendation with a patient who trusts him or her may sway them, Dr. Cialdini said. “I think you have to personalize the communication in both directions. That is, to say, ‘For someone in your situation, I would personally recommend that you get the vaccine.’ ” A health care professional’s authority and expertise can carry the day, he says, although “not always.”

This approach worked, Dr. Cialdini says, with a friend of the family hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine. “I told him: ‘We have gotten it. You trust us, right?’ ” He waited for the person to say yes.

Then: “For someone in your position, my personal recommendation is to get vaccinated. There is new information about the vaccine, and more and more people are getting vaccinated. And of course, it is completely up to you.”

The person decided to get the vaccine.

‘Live in that space’

“People develop negative attitudes [about vaccines] by accessing alternative sources of information, anecdotes, and personal stories,” said Matthew Seeger, PhD, dean of the College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts and codirector of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at Wayne State University in Detroit.

“If we are going to change their opinion, we need to live in that space.” That means listening first, he says. Ask: “Where did you get that information? How credible do you think the sources are? What do you mean about the vaccine changing DNA?”

Then, you might respond, he said, by addressing that specific information, such as, “We have no cases of DNA being changed.”

Dr. Seeger recalls that his mother would simply talk louder when she couldn’t understand someone who wasn’t a native English speaker. “That’s what we are trying to do with the vaccine-hesitant,” he says. “In some cases, we are yelling at them.” Instead, he says, probe their sources of information.

For some who are vaccine-hesitant, Dr. Seeger said, it is not just about the vaccine. The attitude about vaccines is tied in, often, with a distrust of government and feelings about personal freedom. “That’s one reason it’s so hard to change the attitude.” For some, getting the vaccine in a family against the vaccine might also disrupt their social structure or even get them ostracized.

For these people, a health care provider might give opportunities to get the vaccine without affecting either what they see as their political stance or upsetting family harmony. “There are places you can go, make an appointment, get a vaccine, and nobody knows,” Dr. Seeger said.

One Missouri doctor told CNN that some people calling for a vaccine appointment do request privacy, such as going through a drive-thru or having the shot as they sit in their cars. She said the hospital tries to accommodate them, reasoning that every additional vaccine shot is a win.

Dr. Seeger agrees. “Of course there are still public records,” he says, “but you can still claim you are a vaccine denier. It’s very difficult to persuade people to give up their whole world. Vaccine denial is part of that world. At this point, we need to do whatever we can to get people vaccinated.”


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