COVID-19 Updates
Conducting cancer trials amid the COVID-19 pandemic
‘The kids will be all right,’ won’t they?
From a social standpoint, pediatric patients’ lives have been turned upside down.
COVID-19 linked to multiple cardiovascular presentations
Temporary hemodynamic support is shown to help patients with cardiogenic shock, according to case studies.
Tips for self-care during the COVID-19 crisis
Shorter sessions more often are providing more comfort to some patients, said Dr. Eva Ritvo.
Conference Coverage
AMA president calls for greater reliance on science in COVID-19 fight
Dr. Patrice Harris, the AMA president, said the government’s scientific institutions must be led by experts who are “protected from political...
Latest News
NCCN panel: Defer nonurgent skin cancer care during pandemic
The group’s melanoma recommendations focused on deferring nonurgent care until after the pandemic passes.
Nearly 24 tests for the novel coronavirus are available
Laboratories and clinics still face challenges that include shortages of tests, shortages of components such as reagents, and backlogs.
Cytokine release syndrome in severe COVID-19: Is tocilizumab effective?
Latest News
U.S. hospitals facing severe challenges from COVID-19, HHS report says
Delayed test results also reduced hospitals’ ability to provide care by sidelining clinicians who reported COVID-19 symptoms.
Aerosolization of COVID-19 and Contamination Risks During Respiratory Treatments
Appropriate personal protective equipment, including fit-tested particulate respirators, should be worn when administering nebulized medications...