COVID-19 Updates
New guidance on management of acute CVD during COVID-19
Expert guidance comes from Chinese cardiology and infectious disease specialists on how to manage severe emergent cardiovascular disease during...
FDA issues EUA allowing hydroxychloroquine sulfate, chloroquine phosphate treatment in COVID-19
The Strategic National Stockpile will work with FEMA to ship the products to states.
Are psychiatrists more prepared for COVID-19 than we think?
Psychiatrists are on the cutting edge of how to address the pandemic of fear and uncertainty gripping individuals and society across the nation,...
Strategies for treating patients with health anxiety
These patients are adversely affected due to the substantial functional impairment they experience from their health worries.
In the Phoenix area, we are in a lull before the coronavirus storm
Every bed possible is being kept open for the feared onslaught of coronavirus patients in the coming weeks. Protective equipment, already in short...
Physician couples draft wills, face tough questions amid COVID-19
Spouses working in health care confront childcare dilemmas, quarantine questions, and health considerations as the pandemic continues.
Flu activity measures continue COVID-19–related divergence
Fewer samples are testing positive, but flu-related visits are increasing.
Critical care and COVID-19: Dr. Matt Aldrich
Matt Aldrich, MD, medical director of critical care at UCSF Health in San Francisco, speaks about critical care issues in COVID-19.
Conference Coverage
Before the COVID-19 surge hits your facility, take steps to boost capacity
Communication about resource allocation can ease workforce anxiety amid the coronavirus pandemic.
FDA okays emergency use of convalescent plasma for seriously ill COVID-19 patients
“It’s crucial that data be captured for every patient so that we really understand what safety and effectiveness looks like on as close to a real-...