COVID-19 Updates
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MS and COVID-19: Conflicting signs on risk but some trends are clearer
Patients on certain DMTs seem to fare worse and careful timing of vaccination is advisable.
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B-cell level may affect COVID booster efficacy in MS
“It’s meaningless to just go by some recommendation covering time since the last treatment.”
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Pfizer asks FDA to authorize COVID vaccine for children younger than 5
Children in this age group – the last to be eligible for COVID-19 vaccines – could begin getting shots as early as June 21.
COVID-19 vaccines equally effective in patients on dialysis
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The latest on COVID-19 and the heart in children
Cardiac injury caused by acute COVID-19 appears rare, but the risk is clearly associated with male sex and adolescent age.
Children & COVID: Rise in new cases slows
One measure of overall prevalence declined for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.
Researchers find a pathway to prevent COVID infection
The researchers decided to catch the virus in its own trap, by preventing it from attaching to its host cell.
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Births jump for first time since 2014
The rise in births points to childbearing that was postponed during the pandemic.
Children and COVID: Weekly cases keep rising past 100,000
Vaccine booster dose for 5- to 11-year-olds approved in the midst of low interest.
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FDA, AMA prepare for potential COVID-19 shots for children younger than 6
“We strongly urge all parents to get their infants and toddlers vaccinated as soon as they are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine,” said AMA...