
Cost of Antibiotic Resistance Hits Private Payers


The third study, also unpublished work by Dr. Foster and her associates, was an Internet-based survey of more than 300 respondents recruited from MRSA chat rooms, listservs, and Google Adwords. Acknowledging the limitations of such surveys—particularly the bias toward younger, healthier Internet users with strong opinions—she described “some heart-rending responses,” including one from parents who felt they had to send their children away to prevent transmission.

Respondents reported a mean out-of-pocket expenditure of $2,251, including copays for office visits, prescription drugs, and hospital stays. Nearly 70% reported having private insurance (HMO or PPO), and 14% said they were uninsured, which approximately reflects the national average, Dr. Foster said.

“Individuals and households affected by drug resistance bear a large uncompensated burden in terms of out-of-pocket expenses and lost wages,” she concluded.

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