
Clinical Trials in Your Office: Payoffs and Pitfalls


Dr. Wells observed that there are bound to be differences in perspective between someone who has done “tons of clinical trials in a huge research group and somebody who is just essentially starting.”

Noting that he has done fewer trials than Dr. Fleischmann, Dr. Wells said he “might be willing to break even to get my foot in the door on a trial.” And, he said, “You get to answer some interesting questions.”

Dr. Fleischmann agreed that sometimes there are reasons to do a trial other than for money. “There are trials where we don't make money,” he said, “because there's an answer that we want to get.”

There is no correct answer on how long to keep records after a trial. “A lot of companies will say 15 years. That's the usual,” Dr. Fleischmann said. However, the Food and Drug Administration has the ability to go back and look at the data from a study at any point in time, he said.

“We keep them forever,” he said. He stores his records from clinical trials at Iron Mountain, and “the storage fee is actually part of the budget.”

He referred to a case from his own practice, in which the FDA performed an audit on a study 18 years after its completion. Dr. Fleischmann asked what would have happened if he had not had the data. “We could send you to jail,” he was told.

Dr. Fleischmann disclosed the following relationships with Abbott Laboratories, Amgen Inc., Centocor Inc., Genentech Inc., and Wyeth: speakers bureau, consultant/adviser, and research grants. He also is on the speakers bureau for Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.

Dr. Wells disclosed that he is a consultant/adviser for Abbott, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Centocor, Genentech, and TAP Pharmaceutical Products Inc.


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