Of the 37 total cases, 15 patients (41%) had Roux-en-Y bypasses. The remaining six bypass patients received either duodenal switches or foregut procedures.
Two sleeve and four bypass patients (16%) had revisions. One was the conversion to bypass after stent failure, but the others were for intussusception, strictures, reflux, and other problems that didn’t seem related to stents. About six patients were restented, the one case for stent failure plus five or so for migration.
Patients were an average of about 40 years old, and 70% were women. Average preop body mass index was over 40 kg/m2. The one death in the series was from fungal sepsis a year after stent removal.
In response to an audience question, Dr. Krishnan noted that the distal tip of the stent was placed just after the gastrojejunal anastomosis in bypass cases. Also, bariatric surgeons do the endoscopy at Lenox Hill and place the stents.
The investigators did not report any relevant disclosures, and there was no outside funding.