
New Data Support Safety of Dermatologic Office-Based Surgery



A majority of cosmetic procedure adverse events (86%) were from cases performed under general anesthesia.

Plastic surgery was the specialty most often involved in adverse event reports (42% of all complications), compared with 1.9% for dermatologists in that state (one report associated with tumescent anesthesia).

"Certainly we are not a major contributor in any sense. Dermatologic surgery is extremely safe," Dr. Coldiron said at the meeting, which was jointly sponsored by the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery.

Dr. McGuire said that office-based surgery is safe when performed at centers accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). Studies cited on the organization's website reported 23 deaths of 1,141,418 outpatient procedures in the United States over 5.5 years.

Dr. McGuire is past president of the AAASF. Dr. Coldiron said he had no disclosures.


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