
New data challenge primary care’s inattention to aldosterone in hypertension


‘We’re a long way from getting’ PCPs to buy in to PA screening

Will PCPs grow more comfortable with screening patients for PA themselves, or might they become more willing to refer hypertensive individuals for assessment at an expert center?

One skeptic is Ross D. Feldman, MD, a hypertension-management researcher and professor of medicine at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. The finding about high PA prevalence in patients with hypertension “is brand new, [and] the message needs to get to PCPs,” he said. But, “We’re a long way from getting it” to them. “I don’t know how to do that. It will be a tough sell.”

In addition, repositioning MRAs as an earlier option for many hypertensive patients won’t be easy either, because “we’ll never have outcome-trial data for MRAs,” given that they are now generic drugs, he noted.

“No clinical trial data show [MRAs] are first-line drugs,” said Dr. Feldman, who explained that, instead, MRAs are considered “go-to drugs” for patients with treatment-resistant hypertension, a niche therapeutic area. Results from the PATHWAY-2 trial published 5 years ago in Lancet showed “spironolactone was clearly the most effective treatment for the condition,” according to the report authors.

But even among patients with resistant hypertension, screening for PA dramatically lags despite being enshrined in guidelines.

Dr. Jordana Cohen, a nephrologist and hypertension researcher at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia

Dr. Jordana Cohen

“PCPs should start checking aldosterone-to-renin ratios [a widely used PA screen] in all patients with resistant hypertension or hypertension with hypokalemia, and then refer patients to specialists for testing and management,” said Jordana B. Cohen, MD, a nephrologist and hypertension researcher at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

But recent studies of U.S. patient populations with clinical characteristics that meet existing criteria for PA screening showed that just 1%-2% of these individuals underwent an initial PA assessment, she noted, citing reports in the journals Surgery and Hypertension.

“We need to prioritize improving screening in these high-risk patients,” she stressed in an interview.

This illustrates that, in some respects, the new prevalence numbers are beside the point, because PA has been going unscreened and overlooked far too often even in the context of historical, lower prevalence rates, said Dr. Yang.

“The key point is that approximately 1 in 10 people with hypertension, and even more with resistant hypertension, have a form of the disease that is worse than essential hypertension but is routinely missed at present” and is also highly treatable.

“Evidence for the need for increased awareness of PA has been building for 2 decades,” stressed Dr. Yang, who has coauthored several commentaries and reviews that have bemoaned PA’s underappreciated status.

Interest in partnering with PCPs on guidance grows

One potential solution is to have endocrinologists and hypertension specialists’ partner with PCPs to come up with diagnostic and management recommendations. Both Dr. Funder and Dr. Carey are opinion leaders regarding the role of aldosterone in hypertension, and both were coauthors of the 2016 Endocrine Society guideline for PA assessment and management published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , with Dr. Funder chairing the writing panel.

Now approaching its fifth year in effect, this guideline is “due for revision,” and “my hope is that we’ll be able to partner with one or more PCP organizations to come up with a version of the guideline targeted to PCPs,” Dr. Carey said.

He voiced interest in working on this with the American College of Physicians, which represents U.S. internal medicine physicians, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

“We definitely need a partnership and educational efforts to get the word out from these organizations and not from a specialty society,” said Dr. Carey.

Dr. Funder said he has submitted a proposal to the Endocrine Society for a guidelines update he would chair with Dr. Carey’s assistance and with a diverse writing group that includes PCPs. Dr. Carey said that ideally this panel would write and release a revised guideline in 2021.

“Several of us are chomping at the bit to get this done,” he noted.

But participation by the ACP and AAFP remain uncertain as of September 2020. When approached about this, an ACP spokesperson said the organization had no comment. A spokesperson for the AAFP said, “It’s too early to tell if we will partner with any other organizations to develop guidelines specific to excess aldosterone, and how such guidelines might be received by our members.”

Recent history shows little cooperation between ACP, AAFP, and what might be termed the U.S. hypertension “establishment.” For example, when the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association released their most recent essential hypertension management guidelines in Hypertension in 2018, it was never adopted by ACP or AAFP.

The latter two organizations continue to endorse a higher BP threshold for diagnosing hypertension, and higher treatment targets set by alternative expert panels to those of the AHA/ACC.

Collaboration feasible, although PCPs overworked

Dr. Carey hopes that this episode will not preclude agreement over PA screening.

“I think it is still possible to partner with [the ACP and AAFP],” he observed, adding that he believes high PA prevalence among hypertensive patients and its consequences when unrecognized is “noncontentious.”

But he acknowledges that other, substantial hurdles also exist, notably the “overwhelming workload” that American PCPs already face.

David O’Gurek, MD, a family and community medicine physician at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine of Temple University in Philadelphia, agrees that a revamped approach to PA screening developed cooperatively between PCPs and specialists is an important goal and potentially feasible despite prior disagreements. “There has to be room for collaboration,” he said, but also emphasized the need for developing policies based on a systematic evidence review and a focus on patient-centered outcomes.

“We’re certainly missing patients with PA, but there needs to be greater clarity and standardization about the most appropriate screening approach and cutoff level” for flagging patients who need specialized assessment, Dr. O’Gurek said in an interview.

The current endocrinology literature also shows that experts remain divided on how best to accomplish this.

And some hypertension specialists question whether existing evidence is conclusive enough to warrant revised guidelines.

Dr. Cohen, the nephrologist and hypertension researcher, said that, while the recent prevalence report in Annals of Internal Medicine is “intriguing, hypothesis-generating information that suggests we are missing many cases of hyperaldosteronism in routine care,” she nevertheless believes that “we need additional data to be able to truly understand the breadth and implications of the findings.”

Dr. William Cushman is professor of medicine and physiology at the University of Tennessee, Memphis

Dr. William Cushman

William C. Cushman, MD, a hypertension management specialist at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, agrees.

Changing existing practice guidelines “really needs randomized, controlled trials demonstrating a difference in long-term outcomes, ideally major cardiovascular outcomes,” that result from broader PA screening, he said.

Dr. Carey concurs that more evidence is needed to confirm the Annals report, but is confident this evidence will be in hand by the time a guideline-revision panel meets in 2021.

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