Conference Coverage

iPad app could change how MS is measured, treated



DALLAS – The superior performance of an iPad-based app for the self-administration of the multiple sclerosis performance test, when compared with a technician-administered one, could mean big changes in how data are collected and interpreted for the purposes of clinical trials and disease management, according to an expert.

"There are some important implications of this," said Dr. Richard Rudick, who was director of the Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and Research at the Cleveland Clinic until recently accepting a position with Biogen Idec as vice president, development sciences, Value-Based Medicine Group.

Dr. Richard Rudick

Among the considerations implicated by the findings is that unfiltered, accurate patient data could be transferred in real time to the "cloud" where it would be available for immediate viewing, as well as kept for future study. This would give clinicians new ways to "collect, display, aggregate, and analyze neurological performance," Dr. Rudick said at a meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers and the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis.

iPad app bested technician performance

The app-based multiple sclerosis performance test (MSPT) was developed by Dr. Rudick and his colleagues to simulate the technician-based one in all aspects and comprises the walking speed test, the manual dexterity test, the low-contrast visual acuity test, and the processing speed test. These approximate the MSPT’s timed 25-foot walk test, the 9-hole peg test, the Sloan low-contrast visual acuity test, and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test.

The industry-sponsored, cross-sectional validation study matched 49 healthy controls with 51 patients according to age, sex, and education. Roughly three-quarters of the study arm had relapsing MS, and a quarter had the progressive form of the disease.

Participants were tested at a single site via each modality, once in the morning and then again in the afternoon. The test/retest results were consistent and correlative, according to Dr. Rudick. "They were highly reliable, whether the technician did it, or the iPad," he said.

The question was whether the two tests were measuring the same thing. Because data for all aspects of each test were comparable, Dr. Rudick concluded that the tests were comparable.

The most important measure was how well the app version separated the two study groups, when compared with the ability of the technician-based test, according to Dr. Rudick. "In virtually every case, except for the visual, the iPad actually does a little bit better than the technician in distinguishing the MS patients from the healthy controls," he said.

For example, in the timed 25-foot walk test administered by the technician, the mean score in the MS group was 7 (P less than .001; standard deviation, 4.28), while the mean score for the walking speed test in the MS group was 7.26 (P less than .001; SD, 4.25). In the healthy controls group, the mean score for the technician-given test was 4.24 (P less than .001). That group’s mean score for the self-given walking speed test was 4.27 (P less than .001; SD, 4.27).

Still need humans

Patient-reported outcomes were also correlative to both forms of the tests. However, in an interview after the presentation, Dr. Rudick said that patient-reported cognitive impairment doesn’t usually correlate with the actual measurements used in neurocognitive testing. "What does seem to correlate with patients reporting cognitive impairment is if they are depressed. Then the depression score matches the patient-reported cognitive impairment better than the actual cognitive test score does," he said.

When Dr. Rudick asked the audience, which included many physician assistants and registered nurses in addition to physicians, whether they would embrace the use of this technology, the majority assented. However, during the discussion following the presentation, Neil Jouvenant, a physician assistant at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, said there are some patients for whom this technology would not be appropriate, such as those who walk with difficulty.

In an interview, Mr. Jouvenant said that in addition, "you still need a technician to instruct and encourage patients. If the iPad were to instruct a patient to ‘get up now, strap this to your back, and walk 25 feet,’ they won’t because they don’t really think they can. There is a fine line between someone who can walk a certain distance and someone who can’t." The technician can help in those situations, he said.

More inclusive and comprehensive

Although Dr. Rudick agreed that at least for now, this technology is not appropriate for all patients, the technology does hold promise for those who would have been excluded in the past, such as patients who live in rural areas but would like to participate in clinical trials.


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