Managing Your Practice

To MU or not to MU, that is the question


If you are still on the fence on meaningful use – our government’s motivational strategy for popularizing electronic health records – the point of no return is rapidly approaching: If you want to qualify for at least a portion of the incentive money, plus avoid a 1% penalty (eventually rising to 5%) on your Medicare Part B reimbursements, this year is your final opportunity to join the party. And, unfortunately, it is not simply a matter of adopting an electronic record system.

Each year, you must attest to demonstrating "meaningful use" (MU) of that system. To do that, you must continually monitor your progress toward meeting the necessary percentage benchmarks, making course corrections as you go. If the numbers are not there when your practice is ready to attest, it will have all been for naught, and a major waste of time and resources.

That being the case, private practitioners who have not yet taken the plunge – and those who have, but are undecided on progressing to stage 2 – must ask themselves whether the significant temporal and monetary investment is worth the trouble.

Many, apparently, have decided that it is not. While a substantial percentage of eligible practitioners signed up for stage 1, approximately 20% of them stopped participating in 2013. And according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ own data, only 4 hospitals and 50 individual practitioners in the entire country had attested to stage 2 through March of 2014.

The American Medical Association has little faith in the program, at least in its current form. In an open letter to the CMS in May 2014, they predicted significantly higher dropout rates unless major modifications are made. Specifically, they singled out the requirement that providers meet all requirements at each stage. Rather than "all or nothing," they proposed a 75% achievement level to receive incentive payments, and a 50% minimum to avoid financial penalties. The AMA also recommended eliminating all benchmarks beyond physicians’ control, such as the stage 2 goal of 5% patient participation on the practice’s electronic health record (EHR) portal.

Another problem that falls outside the control of physicians is maintenance of EHR software. Nearly one EHR-equipped office in five, according to the CMS, is running software that does not meet stage 2 standards. The unfortunate owners of systems that cannot be upgraded before the stage 2 deadline will – through no fault of their own – be faced with a Morton’s fork of replacing their EHR on short notice or abandoning their quest for stage 2 attestation.

While the CMS has not yet indicated whether it has any inclination to address these issues or ease any of the requirements, one official did announce that the agency will be more flexible with its hardship exemptions on a case-by-case basis. Currently, such exemptions are available to new providers, those recovering from natural disasters, and others, such as pathologists, who do not interact face-to-face with patients.

So the question remains: Is the investment of time and resources needed to capture all of the data necessary for successful MU attestation worth making? Is it justified by the promise of MU incentive dollars and the benefits to your practice and your patients? And what exactly are those purported benefits, anyway?

Proponents maintain that integrated EHR will lead to improved documentation, which in turn should lead to improvements in patient care. Errors would be more easily identified because entries from generalists, specialists, labs, and others would be available to all at any time. All involved providers, theoretically, would be on the same page with every individual patient. The downside, of course, is that the real world seldom reflects the ideal situation envisioned by bureaucrats.

Ultimately, the choice is yours: Each private practitioner must decide whether starting (or continuing) meaningful use is worth the financial and time burden in his or her particular situation. If you are still undecided, time is almost up: You must begin your 90-day stage 1 reporting period in July 2014 in order to attest by the final deadline of October 1. The last calendar quarter to begin stage 2 reporting starts on October 1 as well. Detailed instructions for meeting stage 1 and stage 2 deadlines are available from many sources, including the American Academy of Dermatology website.

Dr. Eastern practices dermatology and dermatologic surgery in Belleville, N.J. He is the author of numerous articles and textbook chapters, and is a long-time monthly columnist for Skin & Allergy News.

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