Critical Care
Conference Coverage
Simple change increases forced-air warming use in trauma
It can take as little as a month to make forced-air warming blankets a routine part of hypothermia care in trauma.
Conference Coverage
Baux cut-points predict geriatric burn outcomes
A decision-making tool for geriatric burn patients should help physicians and families decide the treatment course.
Conference Coverage
Study eyes impact of blood pressure on survival in TBI
In the setting of traumatic brain injury, increases in systolic blood pressure after the nadir are independently associated with improved survival...
Early severe-injury DCL fascial closure more likely with postop hypertonic saline
Key clinical point: Order 30 cc/hour of 3% sodium chloride after bleeding DCL if you want to close patients in about a day. Major finding: The...
West African Ebola–virus transmission ends, then resumes
A day after the World Health Organization declared on Jan. 14 that no known cases of Ebola-virus transmission or active infection had been...
Conference Coverage
Novel treatments assessed in midst of Ebola crisis
Separate groups of researchers supported by nonprofit and government agencies have assessed two novel Ebola virus disease treatments in the midst...
WHO identifies top emerging diseases
The World Health Organization has generated a list of the Top 10 emerging pathogens likely to cause severe outbreaks in the near future and for...
Conference Coverage
IDWEEK: Cefazolin beats ceftriaxone for MSSA bacteremia treatment
Veteran patients treated with ceftriaxone for methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia were more likely to have treatment failure...
Viremia in Ebola patients a strong predictor of death
The levels of virus present in the blood for patients with Ebola virus disease are strong predictors of fatality, according to a new study in PLOS...
Mechanical thrombectomy improves stroke outcomes
Key clinical point: Mechanical thrombectomy and usual care are associated with significantly better functional outcomes after acute ischemic...
Conference Coverage
Therapeutic hypothermia after nonshockable-rhythm cardiac arrest
Therapeutic hypothermia raises the rate of survival with a good neurologic outcome in comatose patients after a cardiac arrest with an...