Methotrexate’s impact on COVID-19 vaccination: New insights made
New studies assess patients with various immune-mediated inflammatory diseases to determine the risks and benefits of pausing methotrexate after...
A healthy White male presented with a rash consisting of erythematous to purpuric macules
A healthy White man develops erythematous to purpuric macules on his lower extremities a few days after a visit to Disney World.
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Pembrolizumab for melanoma bittersweet, doctor says
“Until we can further define who the highest-risk patients are, I think it’s hard to give it to everyone,” one doctor says.
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Topical gel for epidermolysis bullosa shows ongoing benefit
Earlier this year, the FDA declined to approve oleogel-S10 for use in EB, even after it extended its review by 3 months to include additional...
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European survey finds wide variations in the use of phototherapy for atopic eczema
There was considerable variation in prescribing practices, “especially when it comes to dosing and treatment duration.”
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Zoster vaccination does not appear to increase flare risk in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory disease
For the study, investigators used medical claims from IBM MarketScan in patients aged 50-64 years, and data from the Centers for Medicare and...
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Large study reaffirms rare risk of TNF inhibitor–induced psoriasis in patients with RA, IBD
Compared with conventional treatment, the risk of developing nonpustular psoriasis was twofold higher among patients receiving TNFi treatment.
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U.K. survey: Dermatologists want training in prescribing antipsychotics for delusional infestation
The survey of almost 80 dermatologists found that almost 90% had not prescribed antipsychotics in the previous month for patients with...
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Eczema severity, time spent on management strongly associated with overall disease burden
Correlations between specific impact domains such as sleep, cognitive thinking, and physical activity and overall AD impact scores in the study...
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Study explores gender differences in pediatric melanoma
Male gender independently increased mortality, even after adjustment for confounding variables such as stage at diagnosis.
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Baricitinib’s approval for alopecia areata: Considerations for starting patients on treatment
Dermatologists have been fielding calls from hopeful patients and sorting out who should get the treatment, how to advise patients on risks and...