Men's Health
Conference Coverage
Don’t omit extragenital gonorrhea, chlamydia testing
In MSM, more than three quarters of infections may be missed when just doing genitourinary testing.
From the Journals
Meta-analysis shows correlation between diabetes and erectile dysfunction
WASHINGTON – Half of men with diabetes have related erectile dysfunction.
Pearl of the Month
Nocturia and sleep apnea
Frequent nocturia may require a search beyond the usual diagnostic suspects.
Conference Coverage
Hypogonadism after testicular cancer treatment can have lifelong impact
CHICAGO – Men with low testosterone in a cohort study of 491 testicular cancer survivors were more likely to be taking medications for...
Conference Coverage
Should convicted sex offender get penile prosthetic implant?
SAN DIEGO – The patient’s failure to complete previously recommended pedophilia treatment proves fateful.
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Low testosterone common after testicular cancer
CHICAGO – Survivors with hypogonadism are more likely than survivors with normal testosterone levels to have a range of chronic health problems....
From the Journals
Adult vaccination is low, with minimal improvement in recent years
Only minimal improvement in adult vaccination coverage has been made in recent years.
Conference Coverage
Pharmacist-run PrEP clinic proves effective, profitable
SEATTLE – A unique pharmacy-based clinic delivered HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis to vulnerable men who have sex with men, usually on the same day...
Conference Coverage
Alpha-blockers deemed safe in heart failure
WASHINGTON – Plus a bonus: Improved heart failure outcomes
Conference Coverage
Post-exposure doxycycline halves STIs among MSM
Preventing sexually transmitted infections with post-exposure antibiotics is promising, but not ready for general practice.
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Sexuality, fertility are focus of cancer education website
MIAMI BEACH – Cancer patients may be reticent to discuss issues of sexuality and fertility related to their disease. At the same time, their...