Men's Health
Androgen deprivation linked to cognitive impairment
Key clinical point: Androgen-deprivation therapy may be associated with cognitive impairment. Major finding: Men on androgen-deprivation therapy...
PAS: Texting beats phone reminders for HPV vaccine completion
Key clinical point: Text message reminders for HPV vaccine completion for those who had already started the series were effective. Major finding:...
Conference Coverage
AACR: Biomarker of response to olaparib found
Key clinical point: Genomic defects, most commonly in BRCA2 and ATM, were associated with olaparib response in metastatic castration-resistant...
Testosterone therapy has neutral cardiovascular effects
Key clinical point: Testosterone therapy for men with low serum testosterone had no significant impact on their cardiovascular event rate.
Serum antibodies don’t protect men against new oral HPV16
Key clinical point: Healthy adult men with antibodies induced by a natural HPV16 infection may not be protected against a new oral HPV infection....
New drugs signal promise for rare leukemia, prostate cancer
VIDEO: Ask gay and bisexual men about tanning bed use
VIDEO: Couples more likely to conceive if men get healthy
Depression common in men with borderline testosterone levels
Key clinical point: More than half of men referred for borderline testosterone levels have depression.