Men's Health
Dogs detect prostate cancer VOCs in urine
Key clinical point: The VOCs found in the urine of men with even very low risk prostate cancer may provide a means of detecting the disease much...
VIDEO: Adding docetaxel up front improved survival in prostate cancer by more than a year
Conference Coverage
Drug combo extends survival by more than 1 year in metastatic prostate cancer patients
Key clinical finding: Adding docetaxel to hormonal therapy at the time of diagnosis of metastatic prostate cancer extends survival.
Consider facet joint OA in older patients with low back pain
Hepatitis B screening recommended for high-risk patients
Key clinical point: HBV screening is appropriate in all at-risk populations.Major finding: Physicians should screen all adolescents and adults at...
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Endocrinology initiatives can improve transgender care
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Hypogonadism, hypercortisolemia may mean anorexia in men
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Atypical presentation of anorexia in men can lead to missed diagnosis
Clinical data support earlier PSA testing in black men
Key clinical point: Screen PSA earlier in black men than their white peers.Major finding: Significantly more older vs. younger black men had...
Midlife PSA measure predicted lethal prostate cancer
Key clinical point: One PSA before age 60 years may be enough to predict risk of lethal prostate cancer later in life. Major finding: The risk for...