Men's Health
One in five U.S. adults meets exercise guidelines
Heart rate linked to men's heart failure
Major finding: Among healthy men, heart rates of at least 79 beats per minute were linked with a 51% increased incidence of heart failure.Data...
Adding testosterone didn't improve on sildenafil in ED
Obesity linked to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
Major finding: Obese men were more than twice as likely to have PIN detected in their initial benign prostate biopsy specimens (OR = 2.17; 95% CI...
DNA changes predict prostate cancer death
Major finding: Death from prostate cancer was 50 times more likely in patients whose localized tumors contained a loss of the PTEN gene and an...
FDA panel split over long-acting testosterone's safety
Watchful waiting doesn't pay for asymptomatic inguinal hernias
Major finding: Sixty-eight percent of men randomized to nonoperative observation of their asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic inguinal hernia...
Androgen deprivation decreases lung tumors in men with prostate cancer
Major finding: Men with prostate cancer who underwent androgen blockade were 17% less likely to develop secondary non–small cell lung cancer than...
High selenium exposure may lower incidence of advanced prostate cancer
Major finding: The risk for advanced prostate cancer was more than 60% lower in men with the highest levels of toenail selenium, when compared...
ACP: PSA screening's harms outweigh benefits
Conference Coverage
Exercise ABI aids PAD risk stratification
Major finding: Mortality was 9% in patients with ABIs normal at rest and post exercise and 21% in patients with low rest and low postexercise ABI....