Men's Health
Prostate: Denosumab Extends Bone Metastasis-Free Survival
Major Finding: Median bone metastasis–free survival was 29.5 months with denosumab and 25.2 months with placebo, representing a 15% increase with...
To Screen or Not to Screen?
ACE Inhibitors May Prevent Bone Loss in Men
Major Finding: Elderly men on an ACE inhibitor for hypertension for at least 5 years had significantly greater femoral neck bone mineral density (...
HPV Vaccine Protects Against Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Gay Men
Major Finding: The quadrivalent HPV vaccine had 77.5% efficacy in preventing anal intraepithelial neoplasia, including condyloma, and 94.9%...
U.S. Task Force: No PSA Testing for Healthy Men
Major Finding: PSA screening for prostate cancer failed to significantly reduce long-term prostate cancer-specific mortality in multiple studies (...
FDA Approves Tadalafil for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
BPH: Saw Palmetto No Better Than Placebo
Major Finding: After 72 weeks in which the standard dose of saw palmetto was doubled and then tripled, AUASI score improved by only 2.20 points...
Factors Predict Erectile Function After Prostate Cancer Therapy
Major Finding: The odds that a man will recover erectile function after prostatectomy vary from 6% to 70%; after external beam radiotherapy, they...
Reducing Cardiovascular Risks Lessens Erectile Dysfunction
Major Finding: Lifestyle modifications and pharmacotherapy not only reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease; they can lead to improved sexual...
MSM Sex: Rectal Screenings Catch Gonorrhea
Major Finding: The prevalence of pharyngeal gonorrhea was 4%, the prevalence of rectal gonorrhea was 5%, and the prevalence of gonorrhea in both...
Homosexual Activity Plus Meth Increases HIV Risk
Major Finding: Among boys and young men who have sex with men, those who also used methamphetamine were more likely than nonusers to have a...