Conference Coverage
Weight a Factor in Risky Sexual Behaviors of Adolescent Females
Major Finding: Compared with their normal weight peers, overweight and obese adolescent females were more likely to have sexual intercourse before...
Meta-Analysis Shows Statins Effective for Primary Prevention
The Weight of Sleep Deprivation
FDA Panel Backs Lorcaserin for Weight Loss
Obesity Increases Surgical Site Infection Risk
Major Finding: Obesity significantly increased the risk for surgical site infection in all surgical groups except for abdominal hysterectomy, with...
Obese RA Patients Less Likely to Respond to DMARDs at 1 Year
Major Finding: A good EULAR response was achieved by 40% of obese patients vs. 58.5% of those categorized as normal weight or underweight.Data...
IOM Urges Collective Action Against Obesity
CDC: U.S. Obesity May Soar to 42% by 2030
Major Finding: By 2030, there could be a 33% increase in the prevalence of obesity in the United States, and a 130% increase in the prevalence of...
Conference Coverage
Obesity Paradox Also Applies to CABG Patients
Bariatric Surgery Markedly Improves Osteoarthritic Knee Pain
Major Finding: Depending on the type of bariatric surgery, between 51% and 71% of 264 obese patients saw marked improvement in osteoarthritic knee...
Conference Coverage
Showing Patients Their Coronary Calcium Scans Motivates Adherence
Major Finding: Compared to patients with a CAC score of 0, adherence to statin therapy was 2.0-fold greater in patients with a CAC score of 1-99,...