News from the FDA/CDC
FDA issues new NSAIDs warning for second half of pregnancy
The FDA action expands on earlier warnings about agents in this drug class, which the FDA previously cautioned about taking after week 30 of...
Conference Coverage
Music’s charms may soothe heart failure’s effects
Evidence builds that music, either heard or sung, exerts measurable benefits for heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases.
From the Journals
‘Overwhelming evidence’ FDA’s opioid approval process is shoddy
The majority of approvals of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain during 1997-2018 were based on pivotal trials that lacked critical safety...
FDA orders stronger warnings on benzodiazepines
"While benzodiazepines are important therapies for many Americans, they are also commonly abused and misused," said Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn,...
New acute pain guidelines from the ACP and AAFP have limitations
Pain can be multi-factorial and treating it requires a multi-pronged approach.
Reworked OxyContin fails to cut overall opioid abuse, FDA panel says
Some members noted that reformulated OxyContin coincided with increased transition to heroin but recognized the difficulty of proving causality....
Conference Coverage
Small-fiber polyneuropathy may underlie dysautonomia in ME/CFS
Autonomic dysfunction symptoms reported by ME/CFS patients in a pilot study overlap those commonly described by patients with autoimmune-...
Conference Coverage
Appendix may be common site of endometriosis
In women with appendiceal endometriosis, the appendix often may appear normal.
AHA on cannabis: No evidence of heart benefits, but potential harms
The American Heart Association emphasizes potential risks and lack of benefits of cannabis for cardiovascular health.
From the Journals
All NSAIDs raise post-MI risk but some are safer than others: Next chapter
A new cohort analysis extends NSAID cautions in high-CV-risk patients to a Korean population. Some question whether the steep climbs in risk seen...
Exploring cannabis use by older adults
An exploration of trends in cannabis use by older adults and potential impact in terms of health is timely and important, said Kultaj Kaleka.