Case-Based Review

Febrile Seizures: Evaluation and Treatment




Febrile seizures are a common manifestation in early childhood and very often a benign occurrence. For simple febrile seizures, minimal evaluation is necessary and treatment typically not warranted beyond reassurance and education of caregivers. For complex febrile seizures, additional evaluation in rare cases may suggest an underlying seizure tendency, though most follow a typical benign course of febrile seizures. In some cases, as needed benzodiazepines used for prolonged or recurrent febrile seizures may be of value. There are well described epilepsy syndromes for which febrile seizures may be the initial manifestation and it is paramount that providers recognize the signs and symptoms of these syndromes in order to appropriately counsel families and initiate treatment or referral when warranted. Providers should have a high index of suspicion for these syndromes when they encounter children that repeatedly present with prolonged febrile seizures, clusters of febrile seizures, or febrile seizures in addition to afebrile seizure events. Early referral, diagnosis, and treatment has the potential to alter outcome in some of these syndromes, thus the importance of becoming familiar with these diagnoses.

Corresponding author: Anup D. Patel, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH 43205,

Financial disclosures: Dr. Patel disclosed that he has consulted for GW Pharmaceuticals and Supernus and is on the Scientific Advisory Board for UCB Pharma.


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