We selected performance measures from the bank developed by the WISCH team to track improvement and evaluate progress. These performance measures included (1) mean time from triage to first analgesic dose, (2) percentage of patients that received their first dose of analgesic within 30 minutes of triage, (3) percentage of patients who had a pain assessment performed within 30 minutes of triage, and (4) percentage of patients re-assessed within 30 minutes after the first dose of analgesic had been administered. Our aims were to have 80% of patients assessed and given pain medications within 30 minutes of triage, and to have 80% of patients re-assessed within 30 minutes after having received their first dose of an analgesic, within 12 months of implementing our intervention.
Data Collection and Analysis
The WISCH project coordinator reviewed records of visits to the ED for a baseline period of 6 months and post-order set implementaton. Demographic data (age, gender), clinical data (hemoglobin type), pain scores, utilization data (number of ED visits during the study period), and data pertaining to the metrics chosen from the WISCH measurement bank were extracted from each eligible patient’s ED chart after the visit was completed. If patients were admitted, their length of hospitalization was extracted from their inpatient medical record.
All biostatistical analyses were conducted using Stata 9.2 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). Descriptive statistics computed at 2 time-points (pre and post order set implementation) were utilized to examine means, standard deviations and percentages. The 2 time-points were initially compared at the visit level of measurement, using Student’s t tests corrected for unequal variances where necessary for continuous variables and chi-square analyses for categorical variables, to evaluate if there was an improvement in timely triage, assessment, and treatment of acute VOE pain for all ED visits pre and post order set implementation. To account for trends and possible correlations across the months post order set implementation, we ran a mixed linear model with repeated measures over time to compare visits during all months post order set implementation with the baseline months, for metric 1, time from triage to first pain medication. If significant differences were found, we used Dunnett’s method of multiple comparisons to determine which months differed from baseline. For metrics 2 through 4, we ran linear models with a binary outcome, a logit link function and using general estimating equations to determine trends and to account for correlations over time.