Conference Coverage

Factors emerge for mitigating CD19 CAR T toxicity




In a 2017 study from Juliane Gust, MD, PhD, and her colleagues, bone marrow disease burden, lymphodepletion regimen, and CAR T-cell dose were found to be significantly associated with neurotoxicity during multivariate analysis (Cancer Discov. 2017 Dec;7[12]:1404-19).

Patients with severe neurotoxicity in that study demonstrated evidence of endothelial activation, including disseminated intravascular coagulation, capillary leak, and increased blood-brain barrier permeability – with the latter leading to a failure to protect the cerebrospinal fluid from high concentrations of systemic cytokines, including IFN-gamma. These high levels of cytokines may cause vascular pericyte activation and stress, Dr. Turtle explained.

Patients who subsequently developed grade 4 or higher neurotoxicity had higher pretreatment levels of endothelial activation biomarkers.

Dr. Cameron Turtle

“Endothelial cells and pericytes contribute to the integrity of the blood-brain barrier; this suggests a potential role for IL-6 and vascular endothelial growth factor from pericytes to augment endothelial permeability,” Dr. Turtle said.


In another 2017 study, from Kevin A. Hay, MD, and his colleagues, similar factors were found to be associated with CRS (Blood. 2017 Nov 23;130[21]:2295-306).

Multivariable analysis identified high marrow tumor burden, lymphodepletion using cyclophosphamide and fludarabine, higher CAR T-cell dose, thrombocytopenia before lymphodepletion, and manufacturing of CAR T cells without selection of CD8+ central memory T cells as independent predictors of CRS.

Severe CRS was characterized by hemodynamic instability, capillary leak, and consumptive coagulopathy. As in the study by Dr. Gust and her colleagues, biomarkers of endothelial activation, including angiopoietin-2 and von Willebrand factor, were increased during severe CRS and before lymphodepletion in patients who subsequently developed CRS.

Potential modifications

The findings to date suggest that risk stratification, prophylaxis, early intervention and therapeutic intervention are among potential strategies for mitigating the risk of CD19-directed CAR T toxicity, Dr. Turtle said. Steroids, tocilizumab, siltuximab, anakinra, anti-GM-CSF, small molecules, plasma exchange, angiopoietin-1, and hypertransfusion are among candidates under consideration for such interventions, he noted.

Other approaches that have been tested in small studies, and which may reduce toxicity and improve the therapeutic index of CD19 CAR T-cell therapy for B-ALL, include split dosing and risk-adapted dosing.

“These approaches do appear to mitigate toxicity, but larger studies are needed to confirm that treatment efficacy is maintained,” Dr. Turtle said.

Toxicity prediction and early intervention to maintain the CAR T-cell dose while avoiding grade 4 or greater toxicities would be helpful and is within reach, he said, noting that the findings by Dr. Hay and his colleagues led to the development of “day-1 cytokine combination algorithms that predict grade 4-5 CRS and could direct preemptive intervention.”

One algorithm based on three cytokines had high sensitivity and specificity, but would require screening of all patients.

Early intervention in patients in whom toxicity is predicted has not been extensively evaluated in clinical studies, he said.

Dr. Hay and his colleagues did, however, develop a “classification tree model of early intervention strategies” using their findings.

A complicating factor in predicting risk and intervening is that each CAR T-cell product is associated with differing levels of toxicity risk. The varying rates of toxicity suggest that promising approaches for addressing CAR T toxicity require validation for each product with respect to cutpoints, efficacy, and maintenance of response, Dr. Turtle said.

“The findings to date are encouraging and show that potentially targetable factors for mitigating the toxicity of CAR T-cell therapy can be identified,” he said. “But clinical studies have yet to convincingly establish the best approach.”

Dr. Turtle has served on advisory boards for Juno/Celgene, Kite/Gilead, Novartis, Precision Biosciences, Eureka Therapeutics, Caribou Biosciences, Nektar Therapeutics, Humanigen, and Aptevo; has intellectual property rights licensed to Juno; has stock options with Precision Biosciences, Eureka Therapeutics, and Caribou Biosciences; and has received research funding from Juno and Nektar Therapeutics.


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