All patients engaged in nonacute community services are offered a standardized assessment that includes, among other measures, items related to QOL, housing status, employment status, self-rated physical health, and social connectedness. This assessment is administered at intake, discharge, and every 6 months while patients are enrolled in services. Patients who received at least 1 assessment between October 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021, were included in the analyses. Patients receiving crisis, inpatient, or withdrawal management services alone (ie, did not receive any other community-based services) were not offered the standard assessment and thus were not included in the analyses. If patients had more than 1 assessment during this time period, QOL data from the last assessment were used. Data on housing (private residence status, defined as adults living alone or with others without supervision in a house or apartment), employment status, self-rated physical health, and social connectedness (measured by asking people whether they have had positive interactions with family or friends in the past 30 days) were extracted from the same timepoint as well.
Also included in the analyses were rates of acute service utilization, in which any patient with at least 1 visit to BHS’s psychiatric emergency department, withdrawal management facility, or psychiatric inpatient facility in the 90 days prior to the date of the assessment received a code of “Yes,” and any patient who did not receive any of these services received a code of “No.” Chi-square analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between QOL rankings (“Very Poor,” “Poor,” “Neither Good nor Poor,” “Good,” and “Very Good”) and housing, employment, self-rated physical health, social connectedness, and 90-day acute service use. All acute service utilization data were obtained from BHS’s electronic health records system. All data used in the study were stored on a secure, password-protected server. All analyses were conducted with SPSS software (SPSS 28; IBM).
Data were available for 4488 patients who received an assessment between October 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021 (total numbers per item vary because some items had missing data; see supplementary eTables 1-3 for sample size per item). Demographics of the patient sample are listed in Table 1; the demographics of the patients who were missing data for specific outcomes are presented in eTables 1-3.
Statistical analyses revealed results in the expected direction for all relationships tested (Table 2). As patients’ self-reported QOL improved, so did the likelihood of higher rates of self-reported “Good” or better physical health, which was 576% higher among individuals who reported “Very Good” QOL relative to those who reported “Very Poor” QOL. Similarly, when compared with individuals with “Very Poor” QOL, individuals who reported “Very Good” QOL were 21.91% more likely to report having a private residence, 126.7% more likely to report being employed, and 29.17% more likely to report having had positive social interactions with family and friends in the past 30 days. There was an inverse relationship between QOL and the likelihood that a patient had received at least 1 admission for an acute service in the previous 90 days, such that patients who reported “Very Good” QOL were 86.34% less likely to have had an admission compared to patients with “Very Poor” QOL (2.8% vs 20.5%, respectively). The relationships among the criterion variables used in this study are presented in Table 3.