CDC releases guidelines for pediatric mTBI

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Guidelines bring mTBI research to the pediatric bedside

A growing realization that mTBI can have persistent and significant deleterious effects has informed medical and public attitudes toward concussion in children, which now results in almost 1 million annual ED visits.

Progress at the laboratory bench has elucidated much of the neurometabolic cascade that occurs with the insult of mTBI, and has allowed researchers to document the path of brain healing after injury. Neuroimaging now can go beyond static images to trace neural networks and detect previously unseen and subtle functional deficits engendered by mTBI.

In particular, 21st century magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown increased sensitivity over CT alone. In the TRACK-TBI study, over one in four patients whose CTs were read as normal had MRI findings consistent with trauma-induced pathology. Both multimodal MRI and serum biomarkers show promise, although more research regarding their utility is needed, particularly in the case of proteomic biomarkers.

Still, high-quality studies of pediatric mTBI are scant, and translation of burgeoning research into clinical practice is severely impeded by the numerous knowledge gaps that exist in the field.

Dr. Lumba-Brown and her colleagues have synthesized research that supports a neurobiopsychosocial model of mTBI in children that comes into play most prominently in the postacute phase, when non–injury-related factors such as demographics, socioeconomic status, and premorbid psychological conditions are strong mediators of the recovery trajectory.

With children as with adults, scant research guides the path forward for treatment and recovery from mTBI. For children, clinicians are still grappling with issues surrounding return to full participation in the academic and recreational activities of the school environment.

Data from two currently active studies should help light the way forward, however. The TRACK-TBI study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, will include almost 200 children among its 2,700 enrollees who have sustained all levels of TBI.

The Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) Consortium is funded jointly by the National College Athletic Association and the Department of Defense. Between student athletes and military cadets, over 40,000 individuals are now part of the study.

The two studies’ testing modalities and methodologies align, offering the opportunity for a powerful pooled analysis that includes civilians, athletes, and those in the military.

Until then, these guidelines provide a way forward to an individualized approach to the best care for a child with mTBI.

Michael McCrea, PhD, is professor of neurology and neurosurgery, and director of brain injury research at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Geoff Manley, MD, PhD, is professor of neurologic surgery at the University of California, San Francisco. Neither author reported conflicts of interest. These remarks were drawn from an editorial accompanying the guidelines and systematic review (JAMA Pediatrics. 2018 Sep 4. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.2846).




Families should be counseled that symptoms mostly resolve within 1-3 months for up to 80% of children with mTBI, but families also should know that “each child’s recovery from mTBI is unique and will follow its own trajectory,” wrote Dr. Lumba-Brown and her coauthors, in a moderate-strength recommendation.

Some factors have been associated with slower recovery from mTBI, and either upon evaluation for mTBI or in routine sports examinations, families should be told about this potential if risk factors are present, said the guidelines, although the evidence supporting the associations is of “varying strength,” wrote Dr. Lumba-Brown and her coauthors. Children with previous mTBIs and those with a history of premorbid neurologic and psychiatric problems, learning problems, or family and social stress all may have delayed recovery. For children with ICI, lower cognitive ability also is associated with delayed recovery.

Demographic factors such as lower socioeconomic status and being of Hispanic ethnicity also may increase the risk for delayed mTBI recovery. Older children and adolescents may recover more slowly. Those with more severe initial presentation and more symptoms in the immediate post-mTBI phase also may have a slower recovery course, said Dr. Lumba-Brown and her coauthors.

A high school football player tackles an opponent. ©james boulette/Thinkstock

A validated prediction rule can be used in the ED to gather information about these discrete risk factors to guide family counseling, according to the guidelines, which note that research has found that “an empirically derived set of risk factors predicted the risk of persistent post-concussion symptoms at 28 days” for children seen in the ED with mTBI.

During the recovery phase, a combination of tools should be used to track recovery from mTBI; these can include validated symptom scales, validated cognitive testing, reaction time measures, and, in adolescent athletes, balance testing. Using a combination of tools is a valuable strategy, the researchers wrote. “No single assessment tool is strongly predictive of outcome in children with mTBI,” they noted.

When prognosis is poor, or recovery is not proceeding as expected, clinicians should have a low threshold for initiating other interventions and referrals.

Management and treatment

Although the guideline authors acknowledged significant knowledge gaps in all areas of pediatric mTBI diagnosis and management, evidence is especially scant for best practices for treatment, rest, and return to play and school after a child sustains mTBI, said Dr. Lumba-Brown and her coauthors.

However, families should be given information about warning signs for serious head injury and how to monitor symptoms, as well as information about mTBI and the expected recovery course. Other forward-looking instructions should cover the importance of preventing new head injuries, managing the gradual return to normal cognitive and physical activities, and clear instructions regarding return to school and recreational activities. The guideline authors made a strong recommendation to provide this information, with high confidence in the data.

However, little strong evidence points the way to a clear set of criteria for when children are ready for school, play, and athletic participation. These decisions must be customized to the individual child, and decision making, particularly about return to school and academic activities, should be a collaborative affair, with schools, clinicians, and families all communicating to make sure the pace of return to normal life is keeping pace with the child’s recovery. “Because postconcussive symptoms resolve at different rates in different children after mTBI, individualization of return-to-school programming is necessary,” wrote Dr. Lumba-Brown and her coauthors.

The guideline authors cite evidence that “suggests that early rest (within the first 3 days) may be beneficial but that inactivity beyond this period for most children may worsen their self-reported symptoms.”

Psychosocial support may be beneficial for certain children, wrote the researchers, drawing on evidence showing that such support is beneficial in frank TBI, and is probably beneficial in mTBI.

Active rehabilitation as tolerated is recommended after an initial period of rest, with exertion kept to a level that does not exacerbate symptoms. Children should not participate in contact activities until symptoms are fully resolved.

A posttraumatic headache that is severe or worsens in the ED should prompt consideration of emergent neuroimaging, according to the guidelines. In the postacute phase, however, children can have nonopioid analgesia, although parents should know about such risks as rebound headache. When chronic headache follows a mTBI, the guidelines recommend that clinicians refer patients for a multidisciplinary evaluation that can assess the many factors – including analgesic overuse – that can be contributors.

Drawing on the larger body of adult TBI research, the authors recommend that insufficient or disordered sleep be addressed, because “the maintenance of appropriate sleep and the management of disrupted sleep may be a critical target of treatment for the child with mTBI.”

Children who suffer a mTBI may experience cognitive dysfunction as a direct result of injury to the brain or secondary to the effects of other symptoms such as sleep disruptions, headache pain, fatigue, or low tolerance of frustration. Clinicians may want to perform or refer their patients for a neuropsychological evaluation to determine what is causing the cognitive dysfunction, the authors said.

Dr. Lumba-Brown and her coauthors, who formed the CDC’s Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline Workgroup, also recommended that clinicians use the term “mild traumatic brain injury” to describe head injuries that cause confusion or disorientation, without loss of consciousness, or loss of consciousness of up to 30 minutes or less, or posttraumatic amnesia of less than 24 hours duration, and that are associated with a GCS of 13-15 by 30 minutes after injury or at the time of initial medical assessment. This practice, they said, may reduce the risk of misinterpretation by medical professionals and the public that can occur when the terms “mTBI,” “concussion,” and “minor head injury” all may refer to the same injury.

The CDC has developed a suite of materials to assist both health care providers and the public in guideline implementation. The agency also is using its HEADS UP campaign to publicize the guidelines and related materials, and plans ongoing evaluation of the guidelines and implementation materials.

Many study authors, including Dr. Lumba-Brown, had relationships with medical device or pharmaceutical companies. The systematic review and guideline development were funded by the CDC.



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