Questions remain
Eva Kubala Havrdová, MD, PhD, professor of neurology in the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, said the results add to a growing body of data on the efficacy of AHSCT in patients with highly active relapsing-remitting MS, but questions remain.
“It is important to understand that AHSCT provides advantage in terms of effectiveness compared with most of the DMTs,” Dr. Kubala Havrdová said. “However, it is a therapy associated with high risk of adverse events and this needs to be considered when one decides whether other, less invasive options have been exploited.”
Study funding was not reported. Dr. Kalincik disclosed ties with BioCSL, Biogen, BMS, Celgene, Eisai, Janssen, Merck, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi Genzyme, Teva, and WebMD Global. Dr. Kubala Havrdová reported no relevant financial relationships.
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