From the Editor

Hidradenitis suppurativa: An underdiagnosed skin problem of women

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Many recommended treatments for HS have not been formally tested in large randomized trials. A recent Cochrane review identified only 12 high-quality trials and the median number of participants was 27 per trial.13 Consequently, most treatment recommendations are based on expert opinion. Recommended treatments include smoking cessation, weight loss, topical and systemic antibiotics, antiandrogens, anti-inflammatory biologics (adalimumab and infliximab), and surgery. Smoking cessation and weight loss are strongly recommended in the initial treatment of HS. Bariatric surgery and significant postprocedure weight loss has been reported to cause a reduction in disease activity.14

Stage I management. For the initial treatment of stage I HS, clindamycin gel 1% applied twice daily to affected areas is recommended.15 Recommended oral antibiotic treatments include tetracycline 500 mg twice daily for 12 weeks16 or doxycycline 100 mg or 200 mg given daily for 10 weeks or clindamycin 300 mg twice daily plus rifampicin 600 mg once daily for 10 weeks.17,18 These antibiotics have both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Hormonal interventions that suppress androgen production or action may help reduce HS disease activity. For women with HS who also need contraception, an estrogen-progestin contraceptive may help reduce HS disease activity in up to 50% of individuals.19 The 5-alpha reductase inhibitor finasteride, at high doses (5 to 15 mg daily), has been reported to reduce HS disease activity.20,21 Finasteride is a teratogen, and the FDA strongly recommends against its use by women. Spironolactone, an anti-mineralocorticoid and antiandrogen, at a dose of 100 mg daily has been reported to reduce disease activity in about 50% of treated individuals and is FDA approved for use in women.22 Among reproductive-age women, spironolactone, which is a teratogen, only should be prescribed to women using an effective form of contraceptive. HS is often associated with obesity and insulin resistance. Metformin 500 mg three times daily has been reported to decrease disease activity.23,24

Stage II or III management. For Hurley stage II or III HS, referral to a dermatologist is warranted. There is evidence that too few people with HS are referred to a dermatologist.25 For severe HS resistant to oral medications, anti-TNF monoclonal antibody treatment with adalimumab (Humira) or infliximab (Remicade) is effective. Adalimumab is administered by subcutaneous injection and is US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved to treat HS. Following a loading dose, adalimumab is administered weekly at a dose of 40 mg.26 Infliximab, which is not FDA approved to treat HS, is administered by intravenous infusion at a dose of 5 mg/kg at weeks 0, 2, and 6, and then every 8 weeks.27

Surgical management. HS is sometimes treated surgically with laser destruction of lesions, punch debridement, or wide excision of diseased tissue.28,29 There are no high quality clinical trials of surgical treatment of HS. Punch debridement can be performed using a 5- to 7-mm circular skin punch to deeply excise the inflamed follicle. Wide excision can be followed by wound closure with advancement flaps or split-thickness skin grafting. Wound closure by secondary intention is possible but requires many weeks or months of burdensome dressing changes to complete the healing process. Recurrence is common following surgical therapy and ranges from 30% with deroofing or laser treatment to 6% following wide excision and skin graft closure of the wound.30

Physical examination vital to early diagnosis

Delay in diagnosis of an active disease process has many causes, including nonperformance of a physical examination. In a web-based survey of physicians’ experiences with oversights related to the physical examination, 3 problems frequently reported were: nonperformance of any portion of the physical examination, failure to undress the patient to examine the skin, and failure to examine the abdomen and anogenital region in a patient with abdominal or pelvic pain.31 Oversights in the physical examination frequently caused a delay in diagnosis and treatment. With both LS and HS, patients may not recognize that they have a skin disease, or they may be embarrassed to show a clinician a skin change they have noticed. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to achieving a good outcome and make a tremendous difference in the quality of life for the patient. Physical examination is a skill we have learned through diligent study and experience in practice. We can use these skills to greatly improve the lives of our patients.

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