From the Journals

‘Deaths of despair’ rising, but only in the U.S.


In the United States, mortality rates are high and increasing among working-age adults, and “deaths of despair” from suicide, alcohol poisoning, and drug overdose are key contributors.

This is not the case in 16 other industrialized nations, however, including Canada, Australia, and Japan, where mortality rates are actually decreasing.

One likely reason is that other countries take better care of their citizens from cradle to grave, authors Peter Sterling, PhD, and Michael Platt, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, wrote in a special communication in JAMA Psychiatry published online Feb. 2.

In the United States, individuals and families often struggle in isolation to navigate the life cycle, whereas other countries offer communal assistance to every life stage, and this support protects individuals and families in the long term, they noted.

The United States could solve this “health crisis” by adopting the best practices of these other nations, they wrote.

U.S. is an outlier

From an anthropological perspective, Dr. Sterling and Dr. Platt point out that “hunter-gatherers” prioritized food, comfort, and companionship. When one of these needs is unexpectedly met, the surprise triggers a pulse of the feel-good hormone dopamine.

However, much of modern life offers few opportunities for surprise and dopamine pulses.

“It is the difference between a day’s hard walk to finally encounter and kill a wild pig to feed the family and community versus a quick trip to aisle 7 to select a pork roast in plastic wrap,” Dr. Sterling and Dr. Platt noted.

The hunter-gatherers were far more physically active, and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension were virtually unknown.

The small-scale societies of hunters and gatherers depended on strong family bonds and cooperation with community members.

Modern life is more isolating, often with hours spent alone in front of a computer screen.

Yet the lack of natural dopamine producers in modern society and the increased social isolation is not unique to the United States but holds across the board for industrialized nations.

So why has the United States suffered more deaths of despair?

Dr. Sterling and Dr. Platt assert that it comes down to public support other countries provide their citizens across the life span, from prenatal care and quality preschool and elementary school to affordable (or free) education beyond high school.

This support did not require “bloody revolutions, just simple agreements to prepay basic human needs from public funds collected as taxes,” Dr. Sterling and Dr. Platt noted.

By adopting some of the best practices pioneered by other wealthy nations, the United States could reduce despair and restore to many the will to live, they added.

However, they caution against the “medicalization” of every identified cause of rising death rates.

“Every symptom of despair has been defined as a disorder or dysregulation within the individual. This incorrectly frames the problem, forcing individuals to grapple on their own,” they wrote.

“It also emphasizes treatment by pharmacology, providing innumerable drugs for anxiety, depression, anger, psychosis, and obesity, plus new drugs to treat addictions to the old drugs. We cannot defeat despair solely with pills – to the contrary, pills will only deepen it,” they added.

Dr. Platt reported receiving grant support from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Charles E. Kaufman Foundation. He is cofounder of Cogwear and a scientific adviser to Neuroflow, Amplio, Blue Horizon International, and Progenity. Dr. Sterling has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article first appeared on

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