Until substantive changes occur, educators must rely on surgical simulators and other in vitro models, especially for laparoscopic training. These have benefit but are not a perfect substitute for actual operative experience. A recent study explored the value of a surgical bench skills training program and concluded that, while residents showed definite improvement in bench laboratory tasks, this improvement did not translate into statistically significant improvement in global skills intraoperatively.14 Clearly, educators must continue to explore options to enhance surgical training, especially for vaginal surgery, or this route will become nearly obsolete in the gynecologic generalist’s armamentarium.
Dr. Karram reports that he receives grant/research support from Gynecare, American Medical Systems, and Pfizer and is a speaker for Gynecare, Ortho-McNeil, and Watson. Dr. Falcone, Dr. Herzog, and Dr. Levy have no financial relationships relevant to this article.