Clinical Review
Clinical Review
Chlamydia trachomatis infections
Rates of chlamydia infection have doubled in the last decade. Adherence to screening guidelines for the infection is important...
Clinical Review
COVID-19 during pregnancy: How would you proceed in this case of a novel and ominous emerging pathogen?
Clinical Review
2020 Update on gynecologic cancer
Gynecologic malignancies continue to be a major cause of cancer-related mortality. In this article: adjuvant chemotherapy during...
Clinical Review
The role of hysteroscopy in diagnosing endometrial cancer
Certain hysteroscopic findings correlate with the likelihood of endometrial carcinoma—and the absence of pathology. Here is a breakdown of...
Medicolegal Issues
The apology in medicine—yes, no, or maybe?
The ethics of, the laws behind, and the effective apology
GYN Image Quiz
Can you identify these numerous papules in the groin area?
A case of multiple asymptomatic “pink skin tags”
Clinical Review
2020 Update on fertility
ACOG guidelines on preconception genetic carrier screening, AI and embryo selection, and the hidden dangers of environmental toxicants and ways to...
Medicolegal Issues
ObGyn malpractice liability risk: 2020 developments and probabilities
Paid medical malpractice claims have trended downward in recent decades. Why?
Clinical Review
2020 Update on obstetrics
Dr. Pauli is Associate Professor and Attending Perinatologist, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Penn...
Clinical Review
Eating for 2: Managing eating disorders in pregnancy
Clinician knowledge of complications and risks specific to disordered eating and pregnancy can affect outcomes for both mother and baby
Clinical Review
We can achieve opioid-free analgesia after childbirth: Stop prescribing opioids after vaginal delivery and reduce their use after cesarean
Routine use of opioids after childbirth should be discontinued. Three practical strategies can help ObGyns reduce opioid prescriptions and...