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Link between PCOS and increased risk of pancreatic cancer?
“These data suggest some individuals may have unknown metabolic derangements that may underlie the development of both conditions.”
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DTC telemedicine expands access to gender-affirming therapy
The findings suggest that virtual care “may be a good option” for transgender, nonbinary, and intersex people, who often report difficulty finding...
New Medicare physician fee schedule leaves docs fuming over pay cuts
Physician groups’ initial reactions centered on an across-the-board reduction of 4.4% in the conversion factor.
Working while sick: Why doctors don’t stay home when ill
Only 2% of respondents said they never come to work unwell, in a Medscape survey.
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Sexual activities in seniors: Experts advise on what to ask
Failing to address human sexuality in old age can lead doctors to ask seniors the wrong questions about sex.
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RSV vaccine given during pregnancy protects newborns: Pfizer
The company reported the vaccine prevented severe illness particularly well during the first 90 days of life, with measurable protection ......
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Genital HSV shedding declines rapidly in first year post infection
Most genital shedding in first year after infection was asymptomatic, with few oral and genital lesions.
USPSTF holds firm on postmenopausal hormone recommendations
The central message of updated recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s on using hormone therapy to prevent chronic...
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Access to abortion clinics declines sharply
The percentage of reproductive-age women who live more than an hour from an abortion facility has doubled since this summer’s Supreme Court ruling...
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Hormone therapy–depression link may depend on mode of administration
Registry study suggests different effects from local and systemic types of hormone therapy plus age.
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Multiple menopause symptoms linked to increased cardiovascular risk
Given the evidence from past research regarding hormone treatment for menopausal symptoms, these findings appear to underscore the importance of...