Care of children with asthma can be improved using statewide quality improvement (QI) learning collaboratives, said Judith C. Dolins, of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Elk Grove Village, Ill., and her associates.
AAP chapters demonstrated this through their implementation of the Chapter Quality Network (CQN) project, which was supported by the national organization. This project sought to encourage practice changes in asthma care in a number of states using statewide QI learning collaboratives and lead practices to implement the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) 2007 asthma guidelines over the course of four time periods, which the researchers referred to as waves. In nine states, 19 AAP chapters engaged 180 practices to participate, and involved 749 pediatricians treating 45,431 patients (Pediatrics. 2017. doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-1612).
In wave 4, during which data were collected for 9 months, the rate of optimal asthma care at each encounter improved from 38% to 72%. At the beginning of waves 1-3, fewer than 50% of practices reported optimal asthma care at each encounter, and this rate improved to more than 80% at the end of each of the 12-month waves. These changes were statistically significant (P less than .05) for all four waves. Patients rated by physicians as “well controlled” increased from 59% to 74% across the four waves.Across all waves, practices had reasonably high baseline use of the stepwise approach (81%-89%) and a controller medication for patients with persistent asthma (74%-88%). The patients with a current written asthma action plan increased from 49%-57% to 75%-91%. Physicians’ and parents’ ratings of asthma in children as “well controlled” rose modestly from 58%-63% to 71%-74% and from 67%-73% to 78%-87%, respectively. Patients receiving self-management materials increased from 57%-62% to 62%-88%.
Here’s how the project worked. The CQN had three linked frameworks.: One provided a methodology for spreading practice changes, another outlined the elements of care, and a third provided a framework so the practices could test, implement, and adapt changes.
A national AAP leadership team of experts in asthma care, QI, and primary care practice systems developed a set of key drivers and interventions, and an implementation guide that included resources, tools and methods, and a set of measures for the chapters. They also designed reporting tools and a curriculum fostering QI learning by chapter leaders. Then, in a state chapter leadership learning network and a practice collaborative model in each state, there were “multiple in-person learning sessions and defined action periods, best practices, and tests of change that were spread and incorporated” for the chapters to use, according to the study report.
Chapters in each state had monthly webinars and two in-person learning sessions for participating practices. They also reviewed data reports at the state and practice level and provided coaching for practices.
Practices were asked to “incorporate optimal NHLBI asthma care practices, including assessment of control, a stepwise approach to treatment, appropriate use of controller medication, and an updated asthma action plan for self-management.” Other interventions included use of an asthma encounter form (which collected 16 measures, including outcome and process measures that were entered into a national database at least monthly); introduction of population registries; workflow assessment; motivational interviews; plan-do-study-act cycles for QI; and review of data for QI.
All the physicians were eligible to earn MOC part 4 credit and continuing medical education credit, and 80% of the physicians did get MOC credit across the 4 waves.
“Our findings are notable for achieving improvement in asthma care through training multiple state coordinating entities instead of directly leading the learning collaborative itself. Few other projects have achieved this level of results in pediatric practice improvement in asthma care on such a widespread scale across multiple states. This project may serve as a model for other statewide and national organizations attempting to achieve improvements in population health through support and training for statewide organizations that, in turn, support individual health care providers and practices,” Ms. Dolins and her associates said. “Although none of the waves achieved the preset goal of 90%, all showed substantial improvement and remarkable consistency in the rate of improvement. We, therefore, regarded the project as an overall success.”
The study was funded by the Merck Childhood Asthma Network, American Board of Pediatrics Foundation, American Academy of Pediatrics Friends of Children Fund, the JPB Foundation, and GlaxoSmithKline. Ms. Dolins and Mr. Wise received salary support. Ms. Powell and Dr. Stemmler received consulting fees.