Child Psychiatry Consult

TIPP the scales in managing stress


The past year presented unprecedented challenges for many. In addition, mental health services have also been stretched to capacity. Anecdotally, some hospitals and emergency departments note that more youth have been presenting in mental health crises, and the severity of symptoms has also been higher. Safety planning is important, including working with patients to identify skills they can use in distress. Even those who do not experience suicidal thoughts may struggle with dysregulation or may use coping strategies that may not be the healthiest in the long term.

Dr. Maya P. Strange, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Vermont Medical Center and University of Vermont Robert Larner College of Medicine, both in Burlington.

Dr. Maya P. Strange

Within my practice, I see some families who are still waiting for an available therapist, or some may not wish to participate in therapy despite its being recommended. For these families, supporting them in using strategies that they may be willing and able to use in the moment to help them get through the moment of crisis can been helpful:

Case example (identifying details have been changed)

Emily is a 17-year-old girl who has a history of generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. She has had multiple medication trials and a course of cognitive behavioral therapy when younger, with significant improvement in symptoms. She returns to clinic because of increased anxiety related to stressors of the pandemic. She wishes to not return to therapy because of feeling that she received maximal benefit and that further sessions would not be fruitful. However, she struggles with identifying what skills she can use, and her anxiety heightens significantly to near-panic and hyperventilating with even cursory exploration of triggers for her symptoms. Medications are also discussed during this appointment, and it is noted that it may take some time to see therapeutic effect. Of note, she reports no acute safety concerns. She has engaged in skin picking. No reported substance use. As she hyperventilates, she was asked to identify items in the room matching the colors of the rainbow in order. She was able to quickly do this, and then was asked to do it again. Afterward, she noted feeling much less anxious because it distracted her from her thoughts.

Distress tolerance skills can be very helpful to navigate getting through a crisis. When under stress, some may be more likely to engage in behaviors that are not helpful in the long term such as using avoidance; procrastinating; consuming tobacco, alcohol, or other substances; spending too much time on screens; or engaging in self-harm behaviors. While some of these activities may be okay in moderation, others are always harmful. At times, when encouraging patients to use skills with which they may be more familiar, e.g., deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, the response may be, “these don’t work!” It can be important to distinguish that the function of these skills is not to make someone feel good or to eliminate the stressor, but to “take some of the edge off” so they are less likely to slide into problematic behaviors. It can be beneficial to have multiple tools at one’s disposal because not all skills will always be effective or available.

TIPP skills (temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, progressive muscle relaxation) are distress tolerance skills from dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT),1 which was initially developed to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder. More recently, the therapy modality has been applied to individuals who may struggle with emotion regulation for a variety of reasons. TIPP skills work quickly (within seconds to minutes) with the aim to decrease physiological arousal. They do not require a lot of thinking, and many are portable or easy to use. Given the speed of effect, these skills can also be used in lieu of p.r.n. medications or patients can be counseled about trying these instead of turning to substance use. The effect is brief (5-20 minutes), although this may lower the affective temperature sufficiently for someone to get through the intense moment or to be able to then utilize other skills that may require more cognitive reserves.


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