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Adolescents are undertested for STIs



Teen sexual health goes beyond testing

The current study shows that routine testing for STIs according to published guidelines is low, Cynthia Holland-Hall, MD, and Andrea E. Bonny, MD, of Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State University, both in Columbus, wrote in an accompanying editorial.

Notably, sexually active females and males who had sex with male partners, two groups for whom annual testing is specifically recommended by multiple organizations, had testing rates of less than 30%, they said. The authors highlighted the study’s lack of information on which specific barriers, such as lack of access to the health care system, lack of knowledge, and fear of disclosure, contributed to overall low rates of testing.

However, STI testing is only one element of sexual and reproductive health care. Although opt-out testing may improve detection rates, the editorialists emphasized the need for patient-provider conversations about sex, citing recent studies showing that adolescents who spent some time alone with providers were more likely to receive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in the past year.

“Resources such as confidentiality policies, checklists, and written screening tools may facilitate SRH discussions,” Dr. Holland-Hall and Dr. Bonny said. “With a little practice, respect, and intention, a caring provider can take the awkward out of discussing sexual health but must not opt out of the conversation.”

Privacy and time issues exacerbate low testing rates

The current study is especially important at this time because many adolescents have likely missed well visits, and therefore important STI screens, because of disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Karalyn Kinsella, MD, a pediatrician in private practice in Cheshire, Conn., said in an interview.

“I was surprised that the rate of screening was only one in five,” said Dr. Kinsella. “I knew it would be suboptimal, but not that low.”

According to Dr. Kinsella, there are two major barriers to increasing STI testing in adolescents in primary care. One barrier is that insurance companies will often state on the bill what the testing was for, which will lead to an uncomfortable conversation at a later date for the adolescent and parent when the bill arrives in the mail. A second barrier is when to test during a visit,. “If we obtain urine samples on all adolescents and many of them are not sexually active, we are wasting a lot of time in the short visit to obtain urine,” she explained. “If testing is scheduled for the end of the visit, they often leave without providing a urine sample.”

Overall, the study is an important reminder to general pediatricians about STI testing for sexually active teens, she emphasized.

The study received no outside funding. The researchers had no financial conflicts to disclose. The editorialists had no financial conflicts to disclose. Dr. Kinsella had no financial conflicts to disclose and serves on the editorial advisory board of Pediatric News.


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