Livin' on the MDedge

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A less human way to study mosquitoes

We here at LOTME have a history with mosquitoes. We know they don’t like us, and they know that we don’t like them. Trust us, they know. So when humans gain a little ground in the war against the buzzy little bloodsuckers, we want to share the joy.

Wesson Group/Tulane University

To know the enemy, scientists have to study the enemy, but there is a problem. “Many mosquito experiments still rely on human volunteers and animal subjects,” bioengineering graduate student Kevin Janson, said in a statement from Rice University. Most people don’t like being bitten by mosquitoes, so that kind of testing can be expensive.

Is there a way to automate the collection and processing of mosquito behavior data using inexpensive cameras and machine-learning software? We’re glad you asked, because Mr. Janson and the research team, which includes bioengineers from Rice and tropical medicine experts from Tulane University, have managed to eliminate the need for live volunteers by using patches of synthetic skin made with a 3D printer.

“Each patch of gelatin-like hydrogel comes complete with tiny passageways that can be filled with flowing blood” from a chicken, sheep, or cow, they explained, and proof-of-concept testing showed that mosquitoes would feed on hydrogels without any repellent and stay away from those treated with a repellent.

To conduct the feeding tests, the blood-infused hydrogels are placed in a clear plastic box that is surrounded by cameras.

A bunch of mosquitoes are then tossed in the box and the cameras record all their insect activities: how often they land at each location, how long they stay, whether or not they bite, how long they feed, etc. Humans don’t have to watch and don’t have to be food sources.

Humans don’t have to be food sources, and we just pictured the future of mosquito control. Imagine a dozen Arnold Schwarzenegger–style Terminators, covered in 3D-printed skin, walking through your neighborhood in the summer while wearing sweat-soaked, brightly colored clothing. The mosquitoes wouldn’t be able to stay away, but guess what? They’re feeding off robots with nonhuman skin and nonhuman blood, so we win. It’s good to have a cerebral cortex.

Getting medieval on brain surgery

Let’s get one thing clear: The so-called “Dark Ages” were not nearly as dark as they’re made out to be. For one thing, there’s a world beyond Western Europe. The Roman Empire didn’t collapse everywhere. But even in Western Europe, the centuries between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance were hardly lacking in cultural development.

Gleb Lucky/Unsplash

That said, we wouldn’t want to be in the position of the seventh-century noblewoman whose remains were recently uncovered in a Byzantine fortress in central Italy with multiple cross-shaped incisions in her skull. Yes, this unfortunate woman underwent at least two brain surgeries.

Then again, maybe not. Nothing like it had been discovered at the site, and while the markings – signs of a procedure called trepanation – can be surgical in nature, there are other explanations. For example, the Avar people practiced ritual trepanation during the same time period, but they were hundreds of miles away in the Carpathian mountains, and there was no evidence to support that a different form of ritualistic trepanation ever took place in Byzantine-era Italy.

The investigators then moved on to a form of judicial punishment called decalvatio, which involves mutilation by scalping. Look, the Dark Ages weren’t dark, but no one said they were fun. Anyway, this was discarded, since decalvatio was only meted out to soldiers who deserted the battlefield.

That brings us back to surgery. While one of the trepanations was fully engraved into her skull, indicating that the woman died soon after the surgery, she also bore indications of a healed trepanation. A 50% success rate isn’t terrible for our medieval surgeon. Sure, the Incas managed 80%, but even during the Civil War brain surgery only had a 50% success rate. And that’s the end of the story, nothing more to say about our medieval Italian woman.

Nope. Nothing at all.

Fine. While a surgical procedure was deemed most likely, the study investigators found no direct evidence of a medical condition. No trauma, no tumor, nothing. Just a couple of suggestions of “a systemic pathological condition,” they said. Okay, we swear, it really wasn’t that bad in the Middle [Editor’s note: Approximately 5,000 more words on medieval culture not included. This is a medical column, thank you very much.]


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