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Can skin care aid use of diabetes devices?


Technologies that allow people to monitor blood sugar and automate the administration of insulin have radically transformed the lives of patients – and children in particular – with type 1 diabetes. But the devices often come with a cost: Insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors can irritate the skin at the points of contact, causing some people to stop using their pumps or monitors altogether.

Regular use of lipid-rich skin creams can reduce eczema in children who use insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors to manage type 1 diabetes, Danish researchers reported last month. The article is currently undergoing peer review at The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, and the authors said they hope their approach will deter more children from abandoning diabetes technology.

“A simple thing can actually change a lot,” said Anna Korsgaard Berg, MD, a pediatrician who specializes in diabetes care at Copenhagen University Hospital’s Steno Diabetes Center in Herlev, Denmark, and a coauthor of the new study. “Not all skin reactions can be solved by the skin care program, but it can help improve the issue.”

More than 1.5 million children and adolescents worldwide live with type 1 diabetes, a condition that requires continuous insulin infusion. Insulin pumps meet this need in many wealthier countries, and are often used in combination with sensors that measure a child’s glucose level. Both the American Diabetes Association and the International Society for Adolescent and Pediatric Diabetes recommend insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors as core treatment tools.

Dr. Berg and colleagues, who have previously shown that as many as 90% of children who use these devices experience some kind of skin reaction, want to minimize the rate of such discomfort in hopes that fewer children stop using the devices. According to a 2014 study, 18% of people with type 1 diabetes who stopped using continuous glucose monitors did so because of skin irritation.

Lather on that lipid-rich lotion

Dr. Berg and colleagues studied 170 children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (average age, 11 years) who use insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors, or both. From March 2020 to July 2021, 112 children (55 girls) employed a skin care program developed for the study, while the other 58 (34 girls) did not receive any skin care advice.

The skin care group received instructions about how to gently insert and remove their insulin pumps or glucose monitors, to minimize skin damage. They also were told to avoid disinfectants such as alcohol, which can irritate skin. The children in this group used a cream containing 70% lipids to help rehydrate their skin, applying the salve each day a device was not inserted into their skin.

Eczema can be a real problem for kids who use insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors to manage type 1 diabetes. Researchers found that regular use of lipid-rich skin creams can reduce its incidence.

Although insulin pumps and glucose monitors are kept in place for longer periods of time than they once were, Dr. Berg and colleagues noted, users do periodically remove them when bathing or when undergoing medical tests that involve x-rays. On days when the devices were not in place for a period of time, children in the skin care group were encouraged to follow the protocol.


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