Median compensation for general pediatricians in group practice rebounded in 2011, rising 6.1% after an increase of only 0.2% the previous year, according to a survey by the Medical Group Management Association.
In 2011, the median compensation for the 2,650 general pediatricians responding to the survey was $203,948, compared with $192,423 in 2010. Among primary care providers, that puts pediatricians below general internists, who earned $215,689 in 2011, but above family physicians not practicing obstetrics, who earned $200,114, the MGMA data show.
Median compensation for all primary care providers in group practice, including hospitalists, was $212,840 – an increase of 5.2% over 2010. For specialists, the median salary rose 7.7% to $384,467 in 2011. Among nonphysician providers, the median compensation of $102,770 was 6.4% higher than 2010.
For 2011, the MGMA’s annual compensation and production survey includes data from 62,245 physicians and nonphysician providers in 2,913 group practices.